
I need help with this problem badly? Answer Please!?

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I love my boyfriend. But I suffer from depression and I don't know who I am anymore. I'm so depressed that I can't feel any emotion and it's making me miserable and I can't feel any feelings for anyone at the minute, not even him. I want some time alone to work things out and work out who I am, but I'm scared I'll lose him and I don't want that. What should I do? Besides I have asked for time alone before and it has never helped because I miss him and always take him back after a day or so and don't like messing him around.




  1. Grow up and seek the help you need!

    Sounds like professional help, go to

    school guidance counselor and ask

    for a referral to someone who can help!

    Do it soon, and leave the boys alone until

    you can deal with yourself!

  2. Talk to him, tell him how you feel.  If you find you can't talk, then write him a letter explaining how you feel, and make sure you tell him you love him despite everything.  He's probably as worried as you are, for you more than anything, and if he's the guy you think he is then he should be willing to stand by you and help you.  Perhaps you can come to a compromise? Like maybe see each other every few days? That way you get your time but you don't loose him.

    Hope it works out and good luck

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