
I need help with volleyball!!?

by  |  earlier

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i can`t seem to get the ball in front of me real high with my left hand so i can hit it with my right.

then again, my ball is different than my school`s.

anyway, i only get it over the net every few tries and serving tryouts are tomorrow!!

please give me tips on how to improve on overhand serving!





  1. Put your right hand on top of the ball just before the toss.  That way your arms are straight and the ball is a good distance from you.  Then pull your right arm back behind your ear as you toss.  Step into it and lock your wrist right before you hit the ball.  Good Luck!

  2. first of all remember that practice makes perfect

    ok so i play volleyball and have been playing for about 6 years. i was never any good serving either especially since im quite short. one day during scrimmage at religious camping trip another team mate said to me" why is your hand so relaxed when you hit the ball" he said to me that you have to make sure that your right palm.  the hand u hit with, is very hard and sturdy and a very flat surface , dont let it wiggle basically.also for begginers it is waay easier to open your fingers. hope this helped

  3. just keep practicing and have fun!

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