
I need help writing an apology letter to a teacher?

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I cheated on a test, and my mom is making me write the teacher an apology letter. i need a little help. what should i include in it?




  1. Explain why you were cheating. There has to be a reason behind your temptation to cheat. Tell the teacher the truth. If you are lucky, your teacher will accept your explanation.

    And if you teacher doesn't accept that your in trouble.

  2. Explain that you will never do it again, and mention why you thought it was necessary this time.  If possible, say it rather than write it.....just food for thought.  Much quicker and it is over with.  Good luck.

  3. I'm a teacher & I get apology letters from kids all the time.  I write back to the "good" letters.  They are the ones that are honest & sincere.  Don't be fake or try to write a letter filled with things you think your teacher wants to hear.  

    I'd shoot for 3 paragraphs.  1. explain why you cheated.  2. explain how you feel / consequences of your actions 3. Steps you will take to make sure this never happens again.

  4. 20 bucks

  5. Good for your mother for making you do this!  You need to be honest and take full responsibility for what you did.  No, "I did this, but it was because..." or "I cheated because your tests were unfair."  Just admit it, express regret, and let her/him know that you will do whatever you are asked to do to make up for it.

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