
I need help?![suicide]What should i do?

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This isn't a joke

i don't know what i should do now.

i just wanna let go

i wanna be gone

theres a side of me that just wants to take this bottle of pills n another side that has a little hope.

i have no true friends..nobody to talk to

my family isnt family to me.

i cant remember the last time i was truely happy no this isnt about boy problems or not getting my nails done huh just so much going on.

im sick of all this i need a miracle to make it through

i have nobody to turn to and im not calling a hotline..

i dont want my mother to find out or anyone i know cuz they judge to trying to think about all the good in life but in my life theres not enough happy thoughts to save me. i know life could be worse but i just dont wanna deal sick of waiting for that miracle im sick of this fake smile.

judge me if you me a drama queen whatever just someone out

tell me what i should do instead of killing myself




  1. um ****, you dont leave many options for help. the best advice is to find some1 to talk to and seek pro help, maybe u could get ur parents to take u to a doctor for something else then ask the doctor about it. ahh exercise and something to take ur mind of things are good ideas, music and reading and hobbies that occupy you. btw ur depressed. if u wanna talk feel free to email me via my profile.

  2. You should either go to the hospital or a crisis clinic for help as soon as possible.  It sounds like you have lots of things bothering you and killing yourself isnever the answer.

  3. "goodbye, im sorry"- jamestown story

    (good song, yeah i have a playlist of songs like this)

    ok im not here to judge and yell at you for being overly dramatic or an idiot for wanting to end your life, because your not ( and i'd be hesistant of hotlines too) but if you just stop and take a moment, what would ending your life now do any good? it just prove to the people who could care less that your not strong enough, and you couldnt cut it out- so dont give them that chance, ok? you have to just focus on making there faces twist when you grow up and show them what you were able to bulid up after they destroyed the work that took you years. so hold on it my sound like a cliche but it will get better because i've been there, but yea you need a motive in this world, and definaitly a true friend someone to understand :]

  4. Sweetie you do have friends so far you have 31 friends here now begging you to tell some one and get you some help.  Turn To God and cling to Him He loves you very much.. God bless and keep you safe. .my brother committed suicide. and that's so final. I sure if he had it to do over ,he would have never  went that route. he would have chose help. God Bless you.  

  5. If you need a miracle the nearest United Penecostal Church is the best place to go. Miracles are quite common, and they are caring and concerned people.

    There is also an Assembly of God in Danbury, Connecticut

    Grace ' N Vessels   headed by a woman minister (Grace)

    They have healings and miracles there and help people like yourself in need.

  6. Please stop. You are out of control. Whatever it is that is making you so miserable is blowing you up. Nothing in this life could be so bad. Everything passes with time. Just think of the sadness and devastation that you would cause your family and friends if you did something so cowardly and stupid. Now lift your head up,take a deep breath and get yourself in check, I know you can be stronger than that.

  7. hey comeon i think you have a lot of things in  your mind but no one to tell..

    so just find some good friends   with whome you can share  everything

  8. Life is long and filled with opportunity. What you're feeling now has nothing to do with what you might feel tomorrow. Imagine if tomorrow you make a friend, get a compliment, accomplish something that makes you feel proud, see something beautiful, it will remind you of how good life is. And, just imagine if you're suffering is because of something that you think is important now but won't be so important later on, then harming yourself will be stupid. For instance, I knew a woman who almost killed herself because she was g*y; now she's in a great relationship  7 years. Imagine, if she had killed herself? She would have lost out on something wonderful, and so would have her partner.

    You really must call a suicide hotline, see a guidance counselor, or see a therapist. Without good friends or a supportive family, you need people who really care, and not just people online, but people who can genuinely feel your sadness. There's nothing more healing than that. Talk with someone, even a minister or priest.  

  9. oh girl you cant do this. There are so many people who love you and you have made an impact on many people's lives.  Trust me I know this is hard I went through it myself. But you just cant let go.  Lean on Jesus and he will carry you through this- if you dont know him yet read about him online he will make a huge difference in your life and he wil turn your life around.

    Trust me you really dont wanna do this. But you gotta tell somebody what you are feeling so you can get some help.  Nobody is gonna judge you they are just gonna realize how you feel. But if you need to talk just email me.


  11. Suicide is never the answer. NEVER.

    I know how bad it can get, believe me, I have been there.  The world can be dark, you feel alone.  Even though I have family that loves me and cares for me, I can still feel very alone.

    You feel as if your in a black hole of despare.  Perhaps you even feel beside yourself and feel as if your watching yourself feel this way and your looking at this other girl down there who feels so hopeless and the real you does not want to feel this way at all.

    Life is hard. You may feel that nobody loves you, no body even sees you.  But I can tell you that thats not true.  It never is, it just seems that way.

    Suicide is a cop out, it is selfish beyond compare.  Life is worth living, no matter how hard it gets.  

    Perhaps you do not have any real friends because you are not putting yourself out there to make any.  Or maybe you are choosing the wrong sort of people to be your friends.  Finding friends who are true can be tough.  How old are you? Are you in school?  Don't alienate yourself from people because everyone needs somebody.  Even if its just one person.

    You don't want your mother to find out because you think she judges you, well, if you sit her down and speak to her as an adult and seriously talk to her, I bet she will listen.  People and situations are often not as horrible as they seem, especially when one is in this sort of depression.

    Do not give up.  II too sometimes feel that there is no one to talk to, no one who could possibly understand how I feel.  So, I have a journal, I write down all of my feelings.  THis journal does not judge and has no opinions on the matter but it is open to all ideas and feelings with in its blank pages.  I started a journal when I was 16 years old, I am now 35, I have a tone of them.  Sometimes I go back and read through them and realize that what I felt then was not as bad as it seemed at the time.  Try it out, it does help.  As a matter of fact, I showed a journal to my psychiatrist and this is what helped me get diagnosed with bi polar disorder.  

    I know this is long, but I had much to say.  I hope you take it to heart.

  12. Seek help.  Don't feel weak about it.. don't be embarrassed.. or heck.. do feel those things.. but realize this... there really isn't anything to be embarrassed or to feel weak about.  Being depressed is like getting the flu... sometimes you just can't help it.  And, just like getting the flu, there is medicine and treatment to help you till your body gets back to normal.  So tell you mom.. tell your school councilor.. tell your preacher... tell anyone that will listen.. just make sure to get help ok?

  13. you are young. i really belive that the best way to get out of your situation is Not killing yourself but start doing something new.for example. you like the mountains? find people that also like this a plan a trip .the best way to make friends is to meet people you have things in common with.that is for the first thing.

    you also should tell your mom.the best friend that can be even if it seams she doesn't agree with you on anything. No parent wishes something bad on their me on this.

    if you want some more advices send me an email.

  14. i dont know ure age but, u hav probably lived a relativly shot time compared to how long life lasts, i felt along a year ago the only perople i had was my family and work, i didnt do anythin else eccept go to work then come home and same again 2moro.

    then i meet soem friends i knew from school and my social life has really imroved. think of what is ahesd of you in the amout of life you hav lest to live, everything is possible, life is totally shite a times but it always improves, my life improved over night so can ures

    i no it sound corny but find some clubs that are running near you and find people of similar interests, sports, the gym, wargames anythin that interests u.

    Hold on by Good Charlotte.

    listen to that song it might help you

  15. Gabby! Just relax. Don't do silly things you'd regret. I mean it might be really hard for you at this certain moment but I don't believe its gonna be like that for the rest of your life. Just pray to God and don't lose hope ^_^. s***w what other people thinks of you! don't mind them but don't ever think of committing a suicide. Life's to precious I am pretty sure if the dead people could complain they would want to be alive right now! Don't do it Please. But maybe God be with you. I hope you overcome your pain, depression and anxiety.

  16. If someone feels suicidal (or is suicidal) there is something wrong, not much unlike having low blood sugar, or being obese, or having your tyroids messing up... (unfortunatly some of the stupid comments people put up on these boards, reflect how much ignorance there still is).  If you feel suicidal (or have suicidal ideations), YES you should talk to someone who could help you.  

    A "deathwish" may or may not have genetic motives, or "just" be a temporary condition not much unlike an a life threathing allergid reaction or a more chronic serious condition like diabetes?  

    Modern pharmachology has figured out to treat most of these diseases quite effectively and make people with diabetes (or depression) lifes worth living.


    just try to make some really good friends i no it can be hard. but trust me you were put on earth for a reason. find god do somthing just dont do that.

  18. You need to get help now!  Pick up the phone -- call anybody, call a crisis line.  Things may look dark to you now, but they will get better... they will.  Do you have a favorite aunt, or someone like that who can help you -- talk you through this -- until you can get the counseling or medicine you need?  Please call someone -- or call a hotline -- you'll be so grateful later.  God bless.

  19. Calm down first of all.

    It sounds like you might have depression.

    And as much as you dont want to talk to your mum i strongly advice/urge to try to.

    If not her then maybe an adult you trust.

    If not them then maybe you could go on this website:

    It'll take your mind of it for a while and make you see that you are not alone (Which you are not)

    And if you do die.

    Think of how other people will be effected.

    Your family and your friends.

    And althou you say that you have no friends im sure thats not true.

    Im sure there are many people in thsi world that care and love you and would hate for any harm to come to you :)

    Take Care

    x x x  

  20. Teens have it so much harder now than I did when I was a kid.  ( I am 33)

    I would not want to be a teen in these days.  That being said.......

    There is light at the end of the tunnel.  Your life is what you make of it.  I don't know how old you are.  I wish I could help you.  I hope you do realize that  killing yourself is permanent. I know that is a stupid thing to say, but when you are in the frame of mind you are in you are not thinking very clearly.  I wish you the best of luck and a happy life.


  21. I know how you feel and it's a horrible place your in. I've been there and it's not easy to get out of that place. If you could write to me i will try to help you. Hang in there. You are worth it.

  22. Hey Gabby,

    I know where your coming from only i was lucky because all the times I tried to commit suicide for some strange reason I came back to life. It takes way to much energy to live a negative life. I know you are probably at a age where you are struggling with "Who Am I" and that's ok! I am 26 and still have no clue who I am and even some of the things i want are still very confusing. Can you tell me what is going on right now that is so hard for you to cope with? Life can be VERY overwhelming! I want you to try hard and give yourself a life of all the things YOU are good at. Forget these so called friends, sometimes YOU can be the best thing for yourself. I hate the hot lines myself these are normally people who have never been where you are and just read from a script! I on the other hand have been where you are so please e-mail me if u need to talk!

    Take care,


  23. you say you have nobody to turn to and you're not calling a hotline   if you really want help, then you WOULD call a hotline, that's why they exist! people who work there have special training to deal with this and random people on here, for the most part, DO NOT!!!

  24. dont do that cause all you will do is die thats not fixing nothing u want never come back u will miss out on everthing sweet 16 getting married having kids tv music clothes etc.... i tell you what .... try writing a poem write it to me about whats going on how you fell who started this mess with you in ill tell you how to fix it with out suicide

    ur ture friend shermaine aka shar!

  25. There once was a big flood in the Midwest and the water is so high a man is on the second floor of his house looking out the window when another man in a rowboat pulls up to him.

    "Get in, I'll take you to higher ground," said the man in the rowboat.

    "No, that's OK.  God will save me." replied the man in the house.

    The water kept rising so high that the man took refuge on his roof.  Soon, a motorboat pulls up to the edge of the roof.

    "It's getting worse.  Get in and I'll take you to higher ground," called the man in the motorboat.

    "No, that's OK.  God will save me," came the answer.

    The water rose further still and soon the man was standing on his chimney to stay dry.  A helicopter hovered overhead and a rescuer came down the ladder dangling underneath.

    "Grab on to me.  I'll take you to higher ground," yelled the rescuer.

    "No, that's OK.  God will save me," replied the man.

    The water continued to rise.  The man was swept away and drowned.  When he made it to heaven he met God and asked him, "God, why did you not save me down there during the flood?"  

    God replied, "My son, I sent you a rowboat, a motorboat, and a helicopter.  What more did you need?"

    The point of this story is that you have the tools you need to get over this but you refuse to use them.  Hotlines, your mother, people you know (teachers, pastors, doctors, etc.), even your local hospital.  If you refuse to use the resources that are sitting right in front of you, you may not survive.

  26. Gabby, by reading your profile, questions and answers, I understand you are 15, good health, and intelligent. Answerer's have suggested for you not to commit suicide, but to seek help from some other than ya, and see a doctor. Add to that by loving God and thanking Him for each day. When you wake up each morning, talk to Him.

    Others answerer's suggested that you volunteer your services to help the sick and dying. I agree with those suggestions.

    Further, I suggest that you spend less time on ya, start exercising, walking, go to the library, read good books, get involved cleaning your room and help with house work, and even join some activity groups. This will make you feel better about yourself and the world around you. Stop worrying about what this g/f or this b/f did or didn’t do. At 15 leave your hair color alone, cut it in a nice style, and enjoy it.

    You won’t have a boring life if you will stay busy. Boring is when you do nothing except stay lazy all the time. (I say all this, because as I said, I’ve read about you before I ever thought to answer your question.)

    First and foremost, seek professional help and get medication for depression if needed. Then get busy with your life. It is too wonderful to waste!

  27. You should e-mail me my avatar and then you will go to my e-mail.  Let's talk, OK?  If you will not do that then do this. Go to


  28. Look kid I get sick of all this suicide shite,christ what I wouldn't give to have my health back.Think of all the poor b..astards out there,who wan't to live but are dying,go volunteer your services at a hospice.Then see how you feel at the end of the day.........

  29. killing your self should never be an option go gte a councler and talk to them..

  30. hoping you are still F****ing alive.

    these are what i do, no idea whether it works for you or not.


    lay down on your back under a heavy blanket and imagine you are dead, then imagine you are burried (hence the heavy blanket). and start to do whatever a dead person does (beside not breathing)

    so basicly dead people:

    dont think

    dont have emotions what so ever

    dont move

    dont feel their body

    some other stuff i cant remember


    Imagine someone you really love has commited suicide (from family, friends etc,) notice how crappy you feel and how much you will hate them if they do so. now think about how that person would feel if you cummit suicide. the guilt will keep you from commiting suicide.

    feel free to write me  

  31. suide shouldnt be on your list its good for you to speak out and mabe you should get advice off perfeshionals because this is a very serious matter family to me doesent feel like family and they judge me too just beat them at there own game judge them, dont take your life for the sake of others, your family may feel like they dont have feeling or they dont care about you but think about how they would feel and it will phisically afect them too, tel your parent your not happy with things at home and you are very depressed about this.

    hope this helps lv kj  

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