
I need helpwith 13 year old son?

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okay so i have a 13 year old son and i am having my second baby and ever since i told him i was pregnant he`s been not wanting to help me put together the nursery and get ready for the baby i offered to let him pick out his sisters name but he declined and now he wants to live with his father what do i do I'm very confused




  1. He may feel as if your not going to give him attention anymore. As if the baby is your number one priority. He also may not be happy that you are not having it with HIS father but with a different man. He may not like the man you are with or he may feel as if the baby is going to take up his lif elike hes going to have to take care of it (feels too much responsible) hes also a 13 yr old boy so he may not care at all that much. Sit down and talk to your son.

    would say something like:

    Son im sorr but is something wrong. Why do you want to go live with your father. Do you feel as if the baby is going to take all the attention?Make him feel assured that everything is ok!

  2. It's just a phase he's going through. For 13 years he has been the baby and was use to it just being you and now he has to share you. I recommend you just to sit down with him and talk to him tell him nothing is going to change, your not going to forget about him and etc..

  3. I'm 16 and if my mom said she was pg i would flip ,by the time your a teen ,you have already have it set in your head how many siblings you have ,its probably very difficult for him to think of having a bro or sis,just ask him why?

  4. If that was my parents I'd just think "ew."

    but I'd help with the baby.

    Maybe he thinks it will be a lot of work and you'll make him help.

  5. hes probably very jealous. if you two are divorced, he figures his father will give him more attention. divorces are never easy and depending how long since the divorce, he could still be dealing with that

    furthermore, that is such a tough stage for boys, hes going through puberty and all that good stuff, so hes probably at a rough point in his life. and maybe he just doesnt want whoever the father of this new baby is around..

    think if you were little and you were loving all the separate attention you got from both parents and then you're told now you would have to share your mom . your not going to be used to that idea, youre not going to be used to divided attention!

    you have to understand his side.

    talk to his dad and see if you guys could work something out

    and ask your son how he really feels about everything.

    maybe he just wants to be an only child again.

    best of luck and have a easy and safe pregnancy !,


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