
I need honest opinions from complete strangers on this particular situation...?

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What do you gather is going on with a 41 year old, single man - lives in a cabin in the woods - does has friends, but spends little time with them. Works full time, and when he's home - keeps himself and his dog in his house with all the doors windows, blinds closed.

Now - imagine you are one of his very few neighbors and you have a crush on him (that's me - I'm 28). Here's my situation: I have a crush on him, so I believe that I'm naturally paranoid. I am a windows open, door open kinda girl. I do not go to his house to bug him or be an annoying neighbor but I cannot help but feel uncomfortable that I spend a lot of time outside. I feel like I'm "trying" to get him to come notice me. Does anyone understand what I'm saying? I'm totally not, but because I have a crush, the paranoia is making me feel all weird. And naturally, I feel like he keeps things closed because of me.

He is very nice to me, he's not a jerk or anything. He invited me out one night to see a band.. burned me some c.d's and asked me to go on a hike one weekend.

Why does he keep himself locked up, though? That is something I'm very curious about.

Please give me opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Well may be thats his nature, like the loneliness and they get used to be alone and dont want a formal relationship and may be thats why he havent told you anything and he sees that you want a serious relation so you better look some where else and dont lost your time

    Good Luck  :>

  2. You are not the problem, it's the Modern Pop Culture of the 21st Century! Continue your kindness and do not worry about yourself, but be protective your relationship. People might not be as mature as you and your friend. That could explain his seclusion!

  3. Some people prefer to live quietly. He hasn't been that quiet though cos he has done some things for you & asked you out!

    He might want to take things slowly; he could have been badly hurt in the past; he could even be a grieving widower wanting to pick up the pieces & start afresh. Who really knows except himself?

    My suggestion is to give him the space he needs.Try not to force the issue or be pushy/obvious in your actions. Otherwise you might drive him completely away from you.

    Best wishes. (to the both of you!) UK

  4. He may just be an Introvert. Check out the Myers-Briggs personality test.

    I took it a LONG time ago, but I think the essence of it is that Extroverts get energized by interacting with people, and they go nuts if they're alone too long. Although Introverts enjoy being with people too, it wears them out and they need time alone to recharge.

  5. Being a sometimes reclusive person myself I can say that sometimes you enjoy the time to yourself, without the interruptions from intrusive people. Respect his privacy... stop peeking out for him and watching, chances are that he has probably noticed you watching him and has booby-trapped his House, in case you get any strange ideas. If you are so interested in him, send him a post card to start ( I had a neighbor do that... it was sweet). This is the least intrusive thing that I can tell you to do to let him know that you are interested in him. Good luck and stop stalking him!

  6. my wife and i tend to do the same thing in our house, we keep the windows and doors closed, because we like our peace. we love camping and being outside and everything, and we do stuff with friends, but we have a happy little life in our home. its secure, its cozy, temperature is where we want it etc... neither one of us deal well with bright light, so we leave the blinds closed and have black out curtains in the bedroom... but thats just the way we like it.

    it seems to me that he just has a comfortable little routine. if he asked you to go do stuff then its a good sign and he may ineed like you. personally i know that i wont go do something with someone unless i like em. theres just no need.

    try getting yourself invited over to his house to hang out and talk. maybe by getting a peek into his life youll find out something you wouldnt have guessed

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