
I need horse advice?

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Hey there, so I am looking for a horse for lease, so I found one, somebody emailed me, and he is an appolossa gelding, he is trained to do tricks, he's 3 year old, started under saddle, but the owner said he never had any shots or coggins, never had his feet done, should I be concerned about it? He is also 3 years old, so I don't know what I should I do, should I like tell him I can't do it? The horse sounds good, but he again is only 3, and I wouldn't want to train him to do H/J, what should I do about this situation? Any advice would be great!




  1. There are plenty of horses out there. If you are leasing I would stay away from a horse that has not seen the vet or had his feet done. I think 3 yo is pretty young too. Like I said lots of horses out there so find one more suited to what you want to do that has had his feet done.


  2. Do not, do not, do not lease this horse.  Any horse that is lacking on shots, coggins, and hoof care of some sort is being neglected in basic care.  It deeply concerns me that these people aren't taking care of this animal.  Personally, I don't think that any horse should be ready to lease out to the public when they are three.  To me, three years old is a stage where they are still in training.  This isn't the case with all horses, though.   Personally, I don't put a saddle on a horse until they are two years old...don't get on they're nearly three.   It is just better to wait until their bodies are developed enough to where they can have a human sitting on their back.  Well, I hope you find yourself a good horse and I hope that horse has a brigter future ahead of him.  Hope I helped.  Any more quesions just ask.  

  3. I would worry about anything someone e-mailed you!  Don't even consider such a thing unless it's local and you can see the horse before you make a decision.

    If it is legitimate, there are several things to consider.  What tricks?  You'll absolutely require that the owner have all his shots done and a full health certificate.  You'll need these to prove the horse is free from problems and some boarding stables require Coggins as will some state governments if you intend to travel with him.  Never having had his feet done is of some concern.  Is it because he's never been handled?  Or has he had his feet trimmed, just never had shoes?  Are you an able enough rider to train this young horse and train him well?  

    Personally, I think I'd hold off for the next opportunity.  Why lease a young horse and train it for someone else just to give it back?  I believe the money could be better spent on a horse that is already trained and more suited to your needs.

  4. I would be a bit concerned about him not seeing the vet or getting any shots. That would definitely be something to bring up with the owner. If you think the horse is too young yet, then wait for a different horse to come up. You could start this horse, if the owner agrees. At three, some horses begin their H/J training (basic work). If it was me, I would keep looking. A three year old can be a good horse, but it doesn't sound like what you are looking for.

  5. I would stay so far away from this horse.

    that's just ridiculous, a 3 year old trained to do tricks should be able to have his feet picked up and clipped.

    and the fact that he's not vaccinated is stupid.

    these people sound irresponsible, that leads me to believe that the horse although trained in tricks, will probably be badly behaved, dangerous and not no simple basics.

  6. if you dont know what to do ina situation like this then you arent experienced enough to even be considering a lease or a call the humane society because a horse needs these basic care needs and if she cant provide it he is most likley in pain.

  7. Stay away from a horse that has never seen a farrier.  

  8. stay away if the horse is 3 and never seen a vet alarm bells are ringing his feet would have had to be done in his 3 yrs on earth and if not stay well away he's only a baby your better off with something with a few more miles on it for sure.

  9. RUN AWAY.

    The horses is a 3yo, and up for lease - why, so the owner can get free training? Errr, no. The tricks scare me, especially paired with the lack of basic care. You are definitely not dealing with any sort of professional! I have this mental picture of some redneck thinking it's cute to teach ole' bubba to rear and strike out.

  10. you will be doing the training at that age (of the horse) it can be dangerous if you are a novice.

    Wait for a better will come along

  11. Go on down the road and keep looking.  Sounds to me like someone needs someone else to pay for their farrier, their vet, etc, etc.  Tricks don't go a long with with H/J anyway.
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