
I need huge help........Best Answer is open. Teenager Question?

by Guest65866  |  earlier

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Ok a few of weeks ago a got a new boyfriend.He and I were doing OK.Then last night we in were in his room talking.And then he starting kissing me all over my body.Then his hand was aiming for his dresser and the only thing on there were two condoms.I pulled away and ran out.I ran over to my friends house who lives right next door.He called me on my cellphone and said that if I didn't have s*x with him he would break up with me.I still love him and I want to stay with him but I don't want to have proctected s*x until im at least 16.Im turning 15 in about three weeks and he's already 15. What do I do




  1. Dump him! ob-viosly he doesn't love you, he loves s*x.

    You're too good for him and if he doesn't want you for you're personality, only s*x then you don't need him!

  2. you did the right thing. if he brakes up with you because you won't have s*x with him then he doesn't love you are care about you in any way. stay way from him and look for a new boyfriend.

  3. "But is there a way for him to love me for me and not my body?"

    Thats the only thing on teenage guy's minds.. no.

    dont give into something that you dont want to do.

  4. my guess is hes just saying h**l break up with you but wont really so just tell him no and if he says ok its over then accept the fact that you cant be with him and not have s*x and know that your the right one in this fight

  5. break up with him. you can only have your first time once.... i suggest waiting for marrige,....i wish i had. I am married now, both of us wish we would have waited, but its sooo hard as ateen now a days. find a man who knows you are worth waiting for.... all of us women are worth waiting for.

    remember once you have s*x, and break up with your first (not many end up with their first) will be hard to go back to a platonic relationship....s*x is like pringles, once you start you just cant stop..... I remember after being in two serious relationships, that jsut didnt work out, both were adult relationships....i finally dated a virgin.... well I drove him away. I wanted s*x, and couldnt understand why he didnt want it. I thought s*x was what he wanted.... it wasnt. He broke up with me after i ...... tried to please him......

    well, everything YEARS later turned out okay..... I found my true love, and we've been married for a year, we are 25 n 26, about to buy a house. we still tell eachother everyday we wish we could go back in time and choose to wait

    just imagine, you're having s*x with you current man, and a flash of your ex comes in your head.....

  6. He obviously doesn't love you, if he's only into that... no reason losing it to him, don't make the same mistake I did. It is NEVER worth it in the end, no matter how many times you convince yourself of it.

  7. he isnt the rite one. Im a guy around that age, and wen we use force, we want that and only that, not a relationship, so dump him

  8. BREAK UP W/ HIM! hes just using u! as hard as it might be to hear, he's only trying to get u for one thing and that's s*x!

  9. Whenever you hear a guy say something like that, thats when you know to break up with him. He doesnt give a **** about you and hes using you. You can do better than that,

  10. Tell him you won't. If he breaks up with you, s***w him, do you really want a guy who doesn't want to be with you because you won't have s*x with him. Don't let him pressure you into anything, if he really wants to be with you he would respect your decision.

    EDIT: He can love you and your body, but you have no way of making him love all of who you are.

  11. dont let him pressure u into doing somthing you dont want to do.

    obviously he dosnt care about you deep down if he was making you do somthing you didnt want to...

    its not worth it if your going to regret it... you will be happy you didnt

    you need to find someone else

    who isnt such a jerk

  12. He's probably horny, and won't actually break up with you.

  13. Get away from him. sounds like all he cares about is having s*x. What a loser

  14. I agree with the others, break up with him!

    Check out this link:

    Reading all this should make your decision on what's best for you a lot easier.

  15. If all he wants from you is s*x then you shouldn't be with him anyway because that is not what a relationship is supposed to be about... If he can't understand that you aren't ready then he isn't worth your time like seriously....  I know you prolly really care about him and stuff but if you give in to his demands just because you want to stay with him, you will regret it later when you meet someone that you would have wanted to lose it to... Believe me you will be happy that you waited :)

    Hope I helped ^^

  16. YOU GO GIRL! You stick with your morals!

    But you should at least wait a little longer than 16...

  17. Say no, if a guy wont wait he isnt worth it!!!! you want someone to love you for you not bc you have s*x with them. If he really likes you he will stay with you and respect your decision....and you should wait til you are married or at least a lot older bc you wouldnt want to get pregnant now!!

  18. you've only been going out for a couple weeks and he already wants to have s*x.

    isn't there more to a relationship than that?  Yes it is nice to have a physical side to a relationship, but it isn't the whole relationship...he needs to like you for you, your personality and such.

    he isn't worth the time.

    fall harder into like not love.

    you can try talking to him...let him know that you were going to wait until you were 16.  don't be alone with him, try to do more group dates, or movie nights or bonfires...but he might just be interested in your body.  ---  help guide is mind in another direction, and let him know that their is a line that he can't cross with.

  19. hes using u

  20. Tell him you're not ready.

    If he cares about you, really, he'll accept that.

    If he's trying to force you, dump his sorry *** and find someone with more sense.

  21. Break up with him. He's using you.

    EDIT: I honestly don't think he can change just yet. But there are MUCH better guys out there, trust me. You just have to look. :-)

  22. tell him i guess its over cuz i aint havin s*x wit yo pee wee azz!!!

    u effin dog

    dats wat i would say

  23. yeah i agree with most of the other comments. He only wants your body and you can't really change him.

  24. Tell him that your just not ready yet and maybe after a little longer dating you will be and that you need to gain trust  with him first. This will give him more time to really appricate you and fall for you. If he doesnt listen then dump his sorry *** and find somebody who will treat you right =]

    Good luck

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