
I need i help finding a career... i was thinking peace corps or oxfam

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i want to be able to help in the US and all around the world. I love learning about other cultures (espescially 3 world countries). I like to travel and take very passionate about bring peace between different races and religions. Also want to help make sure that social justice is being carried out! maybe be aa leader of some sort..i dont where to find a career that would let me stay true to myself and also make enough money to support a family in the future. i was thinking peace corps or nat geo but i don't know if that is realistic... am i a romantic that needs to be shut down?




  1. You may have to compromise. I can think of one extreme example; become a plastic surgeon. Spend 40 weeks a year doing nose jobs, nips, tucks and bust  enhancements, 12 weeks a year fixing cleft palates in Kenya or Peru.

    There are others. I just threw that one out as an example. You can't raise a family on a PCV's salary. The National Geographic is to photographers what the NBA is to point guards. I wouldn't count on it, either.

    Read more about the Peace Corps from a personal view:

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