
I need ideas for All About Me Papers for Preschoolers!?

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I am making All About Me paper for my preschool class to fill out with their family. I need a couple more question to ask them. I have age, favorite color and what I want to be when I grow up. We also have them do a box with questions on each side which include my family, my favorite foods, I like to do..., my favorite animal or pet and a picture of them. So any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!




  1. Only thing I can add is a favorite song and favorite letter or number

  2. My best friend is ...

    I help my family by ...

  3. Hummm... might I suggest a follow-up activity.

    Pre-schoolers are naturally self-contered.  I want...I'm hungry....I need this.....I'm angry....I, I, I.  How about having your pre-schoolers complete the same worksheet about someone else?  Get them to start thinking about other people's favorites, their lives, their dreams, their feelings.  Teach them to tune into the important people around them say a parent, grandparent, teacher, Sunday school teacher, neighbor, etc....  Many pre-schoolers don't know what their parents' favorite color is, or what kind of flowers does the neighbor lady like, or what their aunt's favorite food is.  This teaches them that other people's wants, hopes, and feelings are just as important and valid as their own.  If encouraged to think this way on a daily basis, pre-schoolers learn to care about others through words and actions which tremendouly reduces dicipline proplems and increases feelings of self-worth.

    Best wishes.

  4. ~favorite book

    ~do you take a nap at home

    ~favorite snack

    ~what I want to do at school

    ~what makes me special (allergies, fears, etc.)

    ~how do you come to school (if anyone will be riding the bus or something other than drop off by parents)

    ~favorite song or dance

  5. Favorite season, favorite number, favorite holiday, favorite movie, favorite sport, heroes

  6. any or all of the following are good ideas(as either i have used them in my classrooms or they have been sent home on something for my own children)

    favorite friends

    favorite songs

    important accomplishments

    favorite games

    favorite books

    favorite toys/stuffed animals

    favorite clothes

    favorite places to go

    favorite things to do (shopping, sports)

    favorite holiday/party idea or place to go for them

  7. uummm....  maybe ask about their fave tv show. my 3 yr old loves dora and it's educational and helps her learn spanish! and, if you know what tv show is their fave, it may help you with ideas for projects or rewards... such as a few kids like spongebob, you can have spongebob stickers for very special occasions, when they are extremely good.... having something they really like may be more motivation.

    maybe a fave song question...

    hope this helps. and if not, i hope you at least find the questions you need.

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