
I need ideas for a 17th birthday party...themes? games? any ideas?

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I need ideas for a 17th birthday party...themes? games? any ideas?




  1. Casino night. Beads, poker chips, junky music :)

  2. faireys dress up party.

  3. well there are the ol' classics

    *pimps & hoes - you get the point =P

    *Tight & bright - as tight and as bright as you can go, specially fun for the males ^^

    *i like a man/woman in uniform - doctors, nurses, fireman.

    *corporate hoes & CEO's - yeah yeah i know.

    * Gangstas & flappers - bang bang.

    *Playboy Mansion - probably a bit overdone, but if thats what your into, go for it.

    *superheroes - a bit limited unless you let people create their own.

    now for a few "random" suggestions

    *a Bogan theme - very funny

    * when i grow up i want to be - plenty of school teachers & astronauts will come =P

    * High Roller - casino's, bling & lotsa cassssh =)

    * fashion wankers or the death of fashion - ie; your biggest fashion mistakes.

    * rubix cube party - every comes in the different colours of a rubix cube & then when a siren goes off (happens many times throughout the night) you have to swap an item of clothing with that person nearest you. the aim is to leave the party with all your clothing is one colour. (buttt everyone ends up half naked by the end of night. good fun @ a big 18th)

    *Rockstars & groupies - easy & fun

    *Op-shop party - have to find the craziest outfit from vinnies.

    * Giant Pyjama party - always fun to see people walking down the street in their pyjamas.

    * where's wally party - the host can dress up as waldo & everyone else is wally, hillarious.

    * alter-ego - we all know your not just sugar & spice.

    * OD party - stands for "overdone" not overdose, celebs & characters who have "overdone" it in some respect (lifestyle, appearence) ie; fat b*****d, micheal jackson, britney spears, jordan.

    have lots of food, wild decorations & louud music. way overdo it ^^

    goodluck & have fun =D

  4. DJ! Absolutley! Im seventeen years old & you HAVE to have a DJ there or its not a party... try going to a club or something & reserve it for a night! That way, you will have DANCING, DRINKS, MUSIC, AND EVERYTHING ELSE YOU NEED! Simple as that.

  5. you can try this website with everything having to do with parties here is the link for it Trust me it will help a lot. I should know it helped with my party especially when my party was short notice.

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