
I need ideas for a babyshower gift!?!

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lol! i dont want to spend way too much




  1. A baby bath thermometer!!! I love mine and my son loves playing with it. Toy and function all in one, and not too pricey.

  2. There are soooooooooooo many options for baby shower gifts. Most often, parents need items for when the child is born. Some ideas are, bedding for the crib, soft baby blankets, a changing station, baby hats, diaper bag, bibs , baby washcloth and towel, johnson and johnson baby products such as shampoo, baby shoes and pajamas( wunzeez or however it's spelled), clothes, a cute teddy bear, bouncers, baby walker or jumper, teethers, baby monitors, small spoons and bowls, or a baby book! Here is a website with many of these items...

    Good luck and I am sure your aunt will love whatever gift you choose!!

  3. I would forget about getting any kind of toy bc they won't play with it! The best advice I can give u is get her stuff she needs, DIAPERS!!!! Trust me, they're not the cutest gift but they will be so appreciated. Or maybe infant medicine (tylenol, gas drops, teething tablets). Also clothes are good. Baby wash cloths, bottle rack... Have fun at the shower!

  4. diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, receiving blankets, crib sheets, clothing, bath set, baby book, hand/foot print mold kit.  I know most of these same old, same old but different usually equals unique which usually equals $$$.

    Here's a website with different and a under $50 catagory,

  5. my favorite gift was a bouncer with vibrations.  Whenever my daughter would get really fussy I would but her in there, turn on  the vibrations and she would stop immediately.  It was truly a lifesaver

  6. Babies needs lots of sleepers and onesies.  You could get a sleeper since you don't want to spend too much.  Diapers are always good too.

  7. I always give the same thing - baby bathtub filled with all the needed soaps, lotions, hooded towels, bath sling, rubber ducky, etc.

    Always popular, practical and easy to wrap.  I just put a big bow around the tub and use the towel as a "surround" for the other items so that they are nicely arranged in the middle of the tub with the towel holding them in place.  

  8. Baby bottles, Diaper bag, Stroller if you want to give her something expensive,Baby clothes anything is helpful for a new mom

  9. When in doubt, go with necessities!!  Diapers are always awesome.  Buy size 1 though and not newborns as they will grow out of the newborn size within a week or so.  Bath soaps, lotions, diaper creams, even the tub itself make awesome gifts!  Its easy to get these pretty cheap but they are filling!

  10. I am pregnant and I would love a massage, a manicure or pedicure, movie tickets, a babysitter for a night, or gift cards to my favorite book or bath store.

  11. I received a Gift Cert for a Pedicure at my shower that I really really LOVED!  It was a nice treat to be able to pamper myself =)  Good luck!

  12. Diapers are always a safe bet.  

  13. I always go to a good dollar store and load up on all the baby stuff they have there including the lotions and washes... alot of the little stuff is the best because everyone always gets the bigger items... I just buy a bucket or something or just a bag from the dollar store and load it up!!!

    Or just get her a coupon book you create for babysitting and maybe a movie pass or dinner gift card for a restaurant near by, for her and someone so they can go out when you babysit...

  14. Depends on what you want to spend. What I like to do for baby showers is spend around $40 & get lots of things that will equal up to it. Like outlet covers, drawer/cabinet latches, window shade, Tylenol, pack of bibs, washcloths, baby lotion, baby wash, a pack of onesies for 0-3, 3-6 & so on if you want. Get some Mylicon gas drops. A lot of people don't think of this stuff and don't have it when they need it. Board books with brightly colored pictures.

  15. If she has a registry get her a bunch of small cheap stuff.

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