
I need ideas for a camp for 4 and 5 year olds?

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ok last summer i had a "Nature" camp where the 2 girls (one is 4 the other is 5) colored and found flowers and rolly pollies and they loved it and want another one and i was thinking like an art camp or a water camp where they run around in the sprinkler for an hour then they play games i like to charge like 45 dollars each 15 for materials and 30 for whatever else

the 4 year old has a very very very short attention span and doesn't really like to color unless it is princesses but she likes to finger paint

the 5 year old is very quiet and likes to color she is like me a perfectionist

there are only 2 kids that will be attending and they are very good friends




  1. Some fun art activities to engage the 4 year old might be:

    Feet-painting - put paper on floor and use finger paint to paint with their bare feet.  Be careful they don't slip and fall.  Do outside and you can hose the paint off their feet when done.

    Coloring upside down - Tape butcher paper to the underside of a low table, let them lie under the table and draw on it.

    Play-dough is a good old stand-by.

  2. A water camp sounds fun. Some ideas might be to have them paint with colored water that they made with food coloring. They can paint on the side walk. A small kiddie pool full of rubber duckies, each rubber Ducky could have a colored spot that corresponds with a prize or goodys. When they pick one they will find out what goodie is there's, after wards the pool is good for tons of fun. We sometimes make our kiddie pool into a huge bubble bath.

    Water balloons are great fun if everyone involved understands that it is a game ( we have had a few little ones not understand that and cry).  Sometimes just access to a hose and a pail with liberty to do as they will is great fun. A bike wash or the like.

    Sounds like great fun, good luck

  3. What about  simple cooking projects

    Playing w/ shaving cream on a tables (kids love this)

    Field trips to a local park/library/museum/

    Acting out stories w/ props

    Simple science experiments (you can buy kits)

    Scavenger hunts/ treasure hunts

    Oriental trading has great craft kits

    Pajama day/ dress up

    Make a camp scrap book

    Chalk outside



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