
I need ideas for a fund raiser to get playground equipment for our small school.?

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This is a school for special need young children




  1. What about a charity prom night for the parents!  With perhaps an auction, I'm sure youd be able to get loads of companies involved.

    Maybe a sponsored book read for the chiildren you could get local news and the press involved?

    Could you perhaps raffle the parents off!  Yes I know it sounds odd, but everyone has some kind of a skill, cooking, babysitting, book keeping, typing if the parents could donate some time perhaps that would be an idea!

    How about a sponsored dress up dau for the children?  They could all wear different clothes, costumes etc, and the parents could pay a few pounds or dollars by way of making a donation!

  2. Book sales, chocolate sales, catalog sales

  3. How about a silent auction?  Ask local companies, parents to donate goods.  Movie passes, dinners for 2, gift certificates, etc.  No overhead costs, all $ goes straight to playground.  Good Luck!

  4. I work for a company that does consulting for non-profit org. to help them raise money for different needs.  Check out

  5. I have listed several websites for you below. One of the first things I would do is see if there is any grant money out there that would pay for the playground.  There are a lot of companies that will help pay for school things. You have to fill out there form and see if your school qualifies.  I also listed some fun raiser sites for you.  Got my fingers crossed that one of the companies will donated a playground for your school.  Good luck

  6. I know we had a cool activity that raised alot of money for our school.

    We decided to have a garage sale with all donated items. We raised close to 2000.00 from the garage sale items

    We also contacted local craft stores and they placed out flyers that stated we were having craft sales. We set up the tables and they were rented out for $25.00 each plus 10% of the table's sales. The craft sales ran consecutively with the garage sale. We had 20 tables that were set up. This was an automatic 500.00 plus we earned about another 500 from the sales. (We used the tables from the cafeteria so it did not cost us anything for table rentals)

    We sold hotdogs, chips and drinks for 3.00. Our profits from that was about 600.00.

    We sold 50/50 tickets. We earned about 300.00 from that.

    We also contacted local stores and got items donated for raffles. We earned about 500.00 from that.

    We set up games that we charge 1.00 to play. We bought little junk prizes. We still made about 400.00 profit from it.

    Plus we earned about 150 in bake sale items that were all donated.

    All are workers were volunteers so that did not cost us anything.

    Are profits for this one day event was close to 5,000.

    Plus you do have the choice of selling items like candy, gift wraps, etc, but I know we prefered the one day event.

  7. I think a easy small thing to do is to sell t-shirts.

    Make it even more fun my buy a ton of white Haynes shirts, and some pillow cases and white hanker chiefs, socks  and have Tye dying sale..sell them item and then charge for each color.

    It would be GREAT if you could get products that say your school's name on it!

    the shirt for example can be sold for ten bucks and the first color is free.  Each extra color can be 50 cents to 1.00.

    You could also do a movie/pizza babysitting night.  Get a bunch of high school kids that need to do community service- get parent/ teacher volunteers and a room or two in the school. "babysit" the kids for 10 bucks per child and give parents 3 hours to go out and enjoy dinner on their own!  I know I would pay it and it is easy.

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