
I need ideas for a speech on true freedom!!!?

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I'm 12 going on 13 and I'm signed up to give a contest speech next month. There is no way to get out of it. Does anybody have any ideas for a speech with the theme "True Freedom"?




  1. True freedom is imposable since anyone could do anything there would be anarchy. Freedom must be paired with responsibility

  2. I would say true freedom can't be defined, because every has their own concept of it. For me, true freedom is Freedom of Speech, and the freedom to do as i please without persecution. I am entitled to my opinion and my beliefs. However, i dont believe anyone has true freedom. We all have freedom to an extent, as we are still limited to the law. Also, you cant really say and believe as you wish because if it is not the majority belief, you will be persecuted. Political Correctness by the government (well, the government in general) restricts my "freedom" to their pleasure.

    The only way to truly be free is to live in an anarchist state, but that doesnt provide the same sense of security or control as a government does. So although I do not have "true freedom", I accept that it is better than the alternative.

    So I guess the only true freedom is freedom of thought. As long as you keep it to yourself - don't let the Big Brother State into your head!!

  3. If you've got the time, here's a good one.

    And it's only 3000 paragraphs.

    Here's a condensed version.

  4. Suggest that you study the first 10 amendments of this Nation's constitution and build a speech from that study.---There never has been more freedom for humans on this planet instituted by governments than is in these---and remember that Liberty and Freedom go together. Good Luck

  5. True freedom and true responsibility go hand in hand. Freedom is being able to say what you think and what you wish. Responsibility is knowing what you are talking about and accepting the reaction to what you have said. Freedom is the ability to work or starve as you see fit. Freedom is being yourself. Responsibility is the ability to take the consequences if you offend someone else. Freedom is moving about as you wish. Responsibility is consideration for those you leave behind or those you will meet on your journey.

    I'm sure you can take it from here. Hey, thats pretty darn good if I do say so myslef. I think I'll use that in some of my speeches.

    John Ross Hendrix for United States Senate

  6. If not needling someone then here is an outline done to best of my feeble  skills.Freedom from Human Supremacist beliefs. Beliefs defined as belief oil,gas, minerals, for human human profit which leads to proft over people. Next topic. To attain true freedom for all is is necessaryThe United Nations  become an organisation which is united in the true sense of the meaning. Citizens to protect their freedoms,lives, from Global Warming  and Mass Extinction brought on by Human Racist beliefs they are superior to all other lifeforms alone entitled to The Earth. Citizens if unsatisfied enforce end to Global Warming if United Nations types have done nothing. Use U.N. framework and do it yourselves . ''There is an old saying if you want something done right then do it yourself''. It is time people knew how to do this and for those already know then their help is required.

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