
I need ideas for an obstacle course for boys aged 7-8?

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my brother is having a birthday party and wants an obstacle course but he is not sure what to put.




  1. Depending on how much time and money and effort to put in. If it is just for a short afernoon of fun, then keep it simple. Have parents/ adults use themselves as part of the obstacles. It will be  difficult to set up an entire course, so why not break it down to individual events and record the results. 100 yard dash, now with a one leg hop for 100 feet, then you could do things like fastest crab crawl where they lay down on back and push up with feet and hands. You could do fast bunny or frog hop for 100 feet. You could set up a relay race depending on the size yard... have them pass off something other than a baton, try a large stuffed animal instead....REMEMBER KEEP IT FUN or they will hate it.

          An obstacle race is good, but fun is better. Borrow some tires from a tire store that replaces tires and make a obstacle course with those on the ground where you have to really stretch your legs to go between them, like you may have seen on TV with military obstacle courses.

    Hope those are some ideas you can use. Best of luck.

  2. mm boxs open so they can crawl through , tires or innertubes that they can left there legs up as they run through a  small swiming pool if you have big trees where you could add a rope they can swing over the pool ,make them slide  if you have swing set  easy things to make for one like  log with rocks  so they can jump over  them

  3. obstacle courses are fun but hard to make and really quick to run through. i suggest you save your time and make them have little contests instead.

    50 foot dash.

    jumping rope and running.

    balancing a book on their heads and walking.

    three legged races.

    get a big sack and make them get in and hop to the finish can make everything relay type races too.

    (the water balloon throw..catch then take a step back. catch then take a step back so the wider they are the harder it is to catch and then it bursts. make the parents send an extra t-shirt.)

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