
I need ideas for implementing a " South America" theme in my Montessori classroom.?

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The program is the Casa level (age 2.5 - 6). I need help on integrating the theme of "South America" into the Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Math and Culture areas of my classroom. The culture and Language areas are fairly easy but I am having trouble with ideas for Practical Life and Sensorial. Can anyone offer any suggestions or a website which offers ideas for implementing themes into the Montessori classroom?




  1. I went to a conference one time on something like this and worked on a module for teaching.  It was for upper level foreign languages but these may give you some ideas.  

    Everything was geared toward the theme, bulletin boards, extra classroom stuff, activities etc, we hung things from ceiling (mine was african) and played music relative to theme during quiet work times.  There were spaces of time where we did cultural, like food tasting (or guessing) and putting items in bags/boxes that you couldn't see but had to feel and work it in.  It was alot of work but well worth it.  My kids were 7-12 grade and loved it.  

    Since South America could encompass quite a few themes, Indian, Spanish, etc, cultural and economic, past and present you should be able to find alot that would fit into these categories and then focus on the one that provides the most benefit.

    Our theme was on the movie "Lion King", and I don't know if there are palm trees in the African desert, but it made the room a nice place.  So don't forget your plants - if you are allowed.

  2. I don't know where you live, but there is a group in the Boston, MA area called Inca Son that does a one day program on Inca music. The kids love it because they get to interact with the instruments.

    They have a web site, I think it is

  3. maybe some flags of different south american countries on the walls...or pictures of ethnic food..


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