
I need ideas for my 16th b-day

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ok so im turning 16 in december and im kinda freaked out cuz idk what to do. Im not gonna have a sweet sixteen cuz my mom can't really afford that so idk ... IDEAS PLEASE !




  1. I just had a bunch of friends come over and we watched movies. Nothing special really and that's fine, it's still really fun.

  2. drinkin' party in your basement

  3. Take a trip somewhere

  4. A masquerade party. It wont cost much and everybody can prom dress and all that stuff and it is really fun.

  5. you could rent a cabin or just throw a big bash at ur house

  6. Get Crunk!

    Have some people over, chillax, drink if you're allowed?

    Eat lots of crappy food, the usual.

  7. Take it back to the old days, invite a few friends...

    take 'em sleading, (if you live somewere with snow)...

    and then come back for marshmellows, hot chocolate, and cookies. :]

    have fun!

    and happy birthday.

  8. Check out or

    (They have some cheap things for a birthday.)

    * You could also ask your friends to bring something & RSVP w/ what they will bring (that will take the cost off your mom & people love 2 bring their fav things to share & eat/drink)

    50's, luau, bowling, 80's, winter theme, toga, nerd, slumber party like little girls (movie, popcorn, beauty, truth or dare), costume, anything you can think of! (Theme parties never get old, everyone loves them)

    Good Luck & Happy Birthday!!

    *If you do a theme-make your own themed invitations-cheaper & cuter

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