
I need ideas for my daughter's 11 yr old b-day party this month.?

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She has done the roller skating, park (cook outs), celebration station. I would like maybe something unique at home for a backyard birthday...time is ticking:)




  1. go bowling! then sleepover and watch movies and do makeup

    they will love it

  2. How about a Luau or a Mexican Fiesta? If the weather is warm where you live, have all the kids come in their bathing suits and cover ups and do slip n slide (if you don't have a pool) or run through the sprinkler. They could limbo and you can grill the food- try a Hawaiin themed meal. For the Fiesta get a pinata and have everyone take a swing wearing their sombreros. You can have all sorts of Mexican food, too. Good Luck!

  3. For my eleventh birthday, we had a backyard party. My mom rented a cotton candy and snow cone machine, a velcro wall, and like a blow up obstacle course. We also had a DJ. It was kind of crazy and probably pricier than you want to spend, so have a sleepover with about 5-10 of her friends. Go to a movie and to a restaurant and then go back to the house for games and movies and just an all around fun time. If you want to make this party even more special, rent a limo. It's about $600 for 4-5 hours. It's a once and lifetime experience for most people, and will be memorable and your daughter's party will be the talk of the school. =]

  4. Definitely a sleepover!    Have her invite four or five of her closest friends, get some pizza and cake, and let the girls entertain themselves.  Nothing could be easier!

  5. go to the mall have a scavenger hunt it is super fun

    fashoin show

    lasertag?? is thier one in your area

  6. Okay. what about a backyard party and sleepover. buy or rent a bouncy castle. have a barbecue and have some music. I had this and i was very happy.

    Good Luck

  7. My daughter turned 11 in January and she wanted a sleepover. She had 5 friends over, we rented "chick flicks", had dinner and cake, they did crazy make-up and wrapped themselves like mummies. I blew up helium balloons and had everyone decorate them and then they let them go. She had a great time.

  8. My cousin did a spa party for her daughter. They did facials, make-up, mani & pedis, and hair dos with glitter spray. I was there and the girls had a lot of fun.

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