
I need ideas for my school project!!! A Remote Sensor + TV.?

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Ok i had a final year electronic/Computer networking project.

I was planning to make a Sensor to the TV which sense that you are not around the seat, it will transmit to the TV into stand by mode(Off).

Which kids always leave the seat and went to play while the TV was left on. Part of a way to save electricity?

But i need help on what type of suitable sensor, circuit that is suitable for this and which ever is needed.

Last but not least i know thing all in Sim Lim Tower, but i don't know what to get -.-

So please help me 0:]




  1. Why not buy a Motion Sensor Plug.

    Here's an example one for $19.98 on

    Most of those plugs are rated for 300W.  My old analog TV is a 1999 vintage 27" Sony  CRT that uses 140 Watts max.

    The power usage for most modern HDTV's range from 90 Watts (1 and 1/2 60W lightbulbs) to 610 Watts (about ten 60W lightbulbs).


  2. Awsome idea!

    I'm not sure if it exists but the simplest thing would be a motion-detctor device that's designed to plug a lamp into.  It wouldn't turn the TV into standby but would just kill the power (unplug) to it.

    Some newer TVs have serial-ports on them for remote-control, I don't know if you could have a computer that would maybe analize a webcam to compare a image of the empty room and see if there's anyone there to send a power-on/power-off command?

    How about turning off the overhead lights too :-D

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