
I need ideas for our wedding reception kisses!!! ?

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My fiance and I are getting married tomorrow and for the reception, instead of the guests just clinking glasses to get us to kiss, we want them to draw from a basket something funny or crazy (and clean) to do and then the guest clink their glasses in applause! We have many ideas but I know that you creative people here on Yahoo answers will come up with some more great ideas!

I will be sure to award a best answer to whomever lists the most ideas. Thank you everyone, however, for anything you can input. If I could award everyone, I would!!!




  1. good idea, many places don't want you to clink glasses cause they break.

    I’ve seen a few things, one is that if you want the bride and groom to kiss you MUST have your whole table stand up and sing a song with the word love in it (obviously not the whole song).  I’ve also seen them use Giant fuzzy dice. If it landed on a 6 they kissed, any other number you had to go to any table you aren’t sitting at and kiss someone there. That was hilarious.  Many people went and kissed the bride on the cheek for that.

  2. stop trying to script the whole day and just let it flow and enjoy it

    Trying to change tradition will just get you upset when people ignore your wishes

  3. I know a wedding where you had to do "I'm a little teapot" - with the dance

    I've been to one where the bride and groom copied any couple who went up and kissed in front of the head table (I'd define that as clean)

    Answering trivia about the couple is popular.

    Sing a song or recite a poem about love - father of the bride once purchased a book of love poems to make this easier, his daughter was somewhat surprised by this.

    Make them do something like the classic "pat your head and rub your tummy - and then switch hands"

    Have them act out charades

    Make them do the chicken dance

  4. A wedding I was at, they announced that the guests had to stand up and sign a part from a song that had the word love in it.  We were sitting at round tables, so usually the whole table stood up and sang.  It was a smaller reception, but I think that would work with a larger one too.  At first, we were not liking it, but I was at a table with 20 somethings and we stood up and sang things like the love boat song, theme from married with children.  It was loads of fun and everyone seemed to really like it.  

  5. Make Them do a Moose Call.

    Sign a song to the bride

    Push a penny across the floor with there nose.

    Act like a chicken with its head cut off

    do the chicken dance

    rub there stomach pat there head while hopping on one foot

    tell a joke

    Do an impression of the Groom

    hulla hupe (I know spelling) for 10 seconds

    Kiss a Brides Maid/usher

    ill think of more...

  6. I went to a wedding where instead of people clinking their glasses to get the couple to kiss, people had to go to the podium and tell a story about the couple, or a joke, or do something entertaining.

    It was a sweet idea, but people clinked anyway, and mostly it was just the kids going up to the mic and telling knock-knock jokes :P

  7. My friend came out with a table has to sing a song with the word love in it like love boat and it was cut and no one clink the glasses. We kissed a lot and it was funny,

  8. I went to a wedding where if you wanted them to kiss the table had to stand up and sing a song with the word love in it.  At first I thought, well that's a terrible idea (or a good way to not have to worry about kissin with a mouth full of food) but the wedding guests LOVED it!  I think that was one of the most entertaining parts of the evening for everyone!

  9. make then pay $1.

    its kinda like a variation on the dollar dance.

    keep a jar on the dj table or where ever .

    and at the end of the night you'll have a couple extra bucks to start your new life with

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