
I need ideas on how to get more customers..?

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I work at a daycare.. we recently had a meeting about getting more customers.. or there will be pay & worker cuts.. I may be on the chopping block.. I need creative Ideas fast.. our workplace is known but not known so we need to get the word out there help me please!!!




  1. You need to advertise quick.  I own a daycare, so I know what you are talking about!  Make paper fliers that people may take with them if they see it & are interested.  You need to put them in places where MOMS AND DADS of babies & tots go!!!!!!!!!!  Great examples are church school bullitin boards, toy stores, parks, elementary schools, and the maternity ward.

    You need to be creative & place your advertising smartly.  If you advertise in a church school area... talk to the church first and get permission.  At a park, use business cards or papers that allow one to tear the phone # off (strips).  You can even strike up conversations with parents in the stores & invite them to the daycare where you work.  

    You've got to go to where the parents go to get their attention!  Good luck!

    One more thing... You should talk to your boss about your ideas and let him/her know what you plan to do to help improve business... and ask what else can you do.  If you create some good communication and show that you are concened for the business & worth having around as a team member, you may create a litte job security if it does get to the job cutting point.  MAKE SURE YOR BOSS KNOWS HOW HARD YOU ARE WORKING!!! ... and don't be afraid to  tell potential customers "Tell 'em 'Susie' sent you!".  If they do register at the daycare, your boss will give you the credit and validate your hard work!

  2. Maybe offer a deal like "send one kid to daycare get the second half off". Pump up your advertising and try offering new services. Remember you got to spend money to make money

  3. Create a catchy ad and post it on for your area.  It is free and it is unbelievable the amount of people frequenting this site.  I have posted a variety of ads on this site and received numerous responses every time!  Good luck!

  4. I market an advertising tool that is inexpensive yet very effective to small businesses.  It's creative, fun and can really increase your customer base as well as generate referrals.  Of course I can't post it in here, but if you contact me I would be happy to show you how it works.  There is a small investment, but it pays off very quickly.

  5. You need a website so you can be found easly online by parents that are looking for child care. For the parents in your city and the one's thinking of moving there!

    I am an independent affiliate for Global Domains International. They are an awesome company!! Look at my website it gives you all the info. Get back to me if you have any questions!!


  6. advertise? put up flyers?

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