
I need ideas to raise money for a school feildtrip to Costa Rica.?

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My school is gonna have a trip to Costa Rica at the end of the school year,and Im gonna need to raise $2,628.The costs will cover the plane ticket,the many bus ticket(we'll be moving from city to city practically everyday),the hotel costs,and the other stuff.but,the only problem is,my parents don't have a lot of extra money.So,I have to come up with ways to make money cuz Im too young to get a job.

heres what I came up with:

-use birthday money

-use christmas money

-take money out of parents paycheck every week(like $ would add up to quite a lot by the time the money is due)

-fundraise like crazy(appearantly they're gonna have fundraisers all throughout the year.but i suck at them)

-have a spare change jar

-go over to grandma and grandpas house more often(i never go,but i would feel guilty that the main reason i was going was to get some money)

but even with all of these,i still wont be able to cover even half the costs

any other ideas?




  1. How old are you? Can you get a job?

    Some jobs are available even for 15-year-olds. 16-year-olds can usually get many part-time jobs at such places as retail stores and restaurants.

    Also, you can try to get a newspaper route. You can usually deliver the newpapers before school. It won't pay for the whole trip, but it can get you some extra money.

    You can do single-paying jobs, such as washing cars, mowing lawns, etcetera.

    There's a lot of ways to make money if you are willing to work for it. There's a lot of people who are willing to buy your labor.

  2. How about babysitting, car wahses,mowing lawns, chores for neighbors, looking for a job like delivering newspapers. Put your mind to it you can find the money Good Luck

  3. Sell your items on Ebay. Just find work where ever you can, knock on peoples doors. Offer elderly people to grocery shop for them or help out with house work. Throw a fundraising party and send out invites to everyone in your family, have a block party.

    Also if you write down how much you need and just know you will have it and don't even worry about it it will come to you, you still need to work for it but know you will have it and you will!

    Good luck!

  4. I suppose it really depends on how long you have to engage in the fund raising.  If it is short term then probably some sort of service or product sales.  

    If you are looking at a long term solution or possibly starting right now to raise money for next year, you might consider a lady who has an organization called Together We Can Change the World, Inc.  She designed a website to specifically deal with all sorts of fund raising activities for both school, community and Non-Profits.

    You may want to take a look at

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