
I need immediate advice on stopping a depressive episode.

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Something at home have greatly upset and angered me...

I am currently manic and I am starting to feel sadness and loss of energy, but I can't let this happen, school starts in 2 weeks and it is better if I am manic till i see the doctor in mid september.

Someone please tell me a safe way to stick to the mania. Although both are horrible times in my life, my last depression left me on the edge and I can't live through it again so i'll the take the risk of being manic, plus I finally got used to this episode....

The reason I am going to the doctor in sept is because that is when my insurance kicks back in for being in college.





  1. my answer may not help you. I went through a depressive streak the other week and pritty much i just laughed at everything that went wrong and jumped at everything that went right.

    Just imagin that everything is the funniest thing that ever happened and, for me it went away after a week. If you cant muster that try just getting through the day liturally one step at a time. Like opening the door liturally say "im going to the door" "im putting my hand on the door k**b" extra in your head. It doesnt leave too much room for bad thoughts. I hope it helps - i know how much they suck!  

  2. I'd advise you to see the doctor earlier, it's hard to fight emotions, althoughy it's awful being depressed but to accept it and ride it out is easier in my experiance..the more you try to fight it the worse it will get, try to deal with the problem in your family that has upset you, talking about it with someone and getting it out of your system might help stop the depression coming, all the best to you takecare.

  3. think of all the postivtiv things you have in life rather than the negative

    good luck x

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