
I need inexpensive yet quality and forgiving clubs.?

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I am 16. I play on the High school golf team. I usually play about five times a week. I need forgiving clubs that have quality, yet I have a medium price range. What clubs do you recomend I look at?




  1. Depending on your price range, you might consider Callaway's Preowned website.

  2. hey bro here is a web site for you.

    a good set of wilson are on sale for 300.00

    here is a number for you to call customer service, talk to Jason he knows his stuff about golf he can direct you in what you are looking for. 1-888-838-5551

  3. Your best bet is to find a set you like, then try and find them used. A good idea is to get fitted for Pings, then look for the same setup on ebay or where ever.

  4. I bought a set of the Adams Ovation 3 irons (4 - LW) this year which should meet your requirements. I got them on sale from d**k's Sporting Goods for $199 with free shipping.

  5. Check out's selection. Although they don't have a complete selection, they typically have the lowest prices of any store on the items they do have in stock.

  6. golden bear clubs are nice and so are dunlop clubs but you are going to have to keep in mind that youl spend like at least 150 bucks

  7. see in this website, i buy one also you last year

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