
I need inffo./feedback/answers re: DCD, Non-verbal learning disorders, visual processing disorder, dyscalcua,e

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My child has been diagnosed with DCD, nonverbal learning disorder, visual processing disorder, dyscalcula, dysgraphia, dyslexia, and ADD to name a few. Upon meeting him you would not know that he has any difficulties.




  1. Go to the DSM IV tr for definitions to the diagnosis of dyscalculia, dysgraphi and dyslexia.

    The DSM is what was used to determine if your child met the medical model for diagnosis.

    Nonverbal learning disorders and visual processing disorders are often times subsumed under the above referenced dx's. Generally cognitive assessments are looked to and perhaps a VMI or Bender might be used for substantiation of a visual processing disorder.

    Did you consult the psychologistrendering the diagnosis?

    Did you review the report generated based on your childs performance?

    It is curious your child has been diagnosed with so much.

    Dyscalculia is math based, dysgraphia is writing based and dyslexia is often reading based. ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, is behavior based. Nonverbal and Visual processing are basically processing disorders identified that speak to how an individual does or in this case, does not, process visually presented stimuli. A visual processing disorder is typically subsumed under a nonverbal processing disorder, that is to say, nonverbal learning disorders is the big umbrella to which visual processing disorders falls under.

    Why did your psychologist render so much information that overlapping and inherently confusing to you, the consumer?

    Have this person go back and explain the overlap and give you a practical application of the various diagnosis.

    There should be a report and a consultation. If you have had both and are still confused (which is understandable as this is your child and a lot of new jargon thrown at you) then don't hesitate to call up the person who conducted the evaluation.

  2. I also have dyslexia and dysgraphia.This is some of the information I've found and sites. Researchers have found 2 genes that link to dyslexia. Statistics also show if a parent has dyslexia 50% their children will have it too. The best information I can give you are some sites that I like.  Dr Sally Shaywitz is a professor of Pediatric Neurology at Yale University. She has been using funtioning MRI's to see how dyslexics brains work and how we use them. She also wrote a book called overcoming Dyslexia. An important thing to remember about your son. His IQ is normal or above normal, this is a fact about dyslexics.Make sure he knows that he's smart because it's hard to get low grades when you know you knew it but wrote it wrong or completely misunderstood the question. One thing my parents did, was to asure me, that I was as smart or smarter than the other kids in school. Sometimes, I thought yeah right but other times it was the boast I needed. He has learning disabilities, not a curse, which causes him not to process words like the average person. There are ways to help him learn what he needs to learn. The method that works for me and the next person may not work for your son. Everyone thinks they have the method to help and are always sure they have it. Some believe in diet, exercise, colors and repetition just to name some. They may not work either. That's because dyslexia affects all of us differently and in the special case of dyslexia there isn't one true method that'll work for all of us. Please don't quit on a solution. If you would like to ask me questions about me, what I'm doing for my schooling, yes I'm in colllege I want to be an educational specialist to do the research for this, or what I'm doing with my kids e-mail me I'm not saying I know it all but I know what it's like.I am truely sorry school is so frustrating for you & your son. It will get better.

  3. Wow that is a lot of diverse disabilities.  This is probably not the best forum to address each one in depth at the same time.  You may wish to post a separate question about each one.  Also, you may want to do some direct online research.  Finally, if you have further questions, you might email some of us here in this section.  Good luck.  I hope this helps.

  4. Possible resource.

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