
I need info about buying a car...

by  |  earlier

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I am about to purchase a new car and I am looking for a little more information on buying one.

As everyone should know, care salesmen are judged based on how many cars they sell. I am guessing that their sales goals are based on how many cars they sell in one month. Because of that I have some questions...

What time of the month do I go in? or even quarter or year?

Is e-mail the best way to barter for purchasing a car?

Do I need to go through their financing to get a better deal?

Any other info would be helpful too. Thanks guys! :D





    I used to sell cars, so this is something I know all too well.

    First off, salesman make money two ways:

    1. Selling a certain number of cars

    2. Selling those cars at a higher profit

    Numer one will always beat number two if it means a deal or no deal! Which is great news for you!

    Second, the best time to buy a car is ALWAYS at the end of the month. I would even go in on the very last day of the month, about 4 hours before closing time. This is when salesman have their "make or break" deals, which means if they have a goal to hit, and your deal is the last one to hit it,  you can get an awesome deal. Probably thousands of dollars off!

    As far as email, I would say that might actually be the worst way to buy a car. Email buyers are RARELY serious buyers, and dealers don't like quoting prices with no comitment. When I used to recieve email inquiries to my online ads I would never give the best price. Best way is to show up in person and with the conviction to buy a car.

    Lastly, financing through the dealership is not always the best way to go. In fact, I would say you're better off going to a credit union, as their rates are always lower. Get pre-approved, but do NOT let the salesman know how you are buying the vehicle. The more information you keep to yourself, the more ammo you have to buy the car.

    I would consider the best way to haggle the price is by sheer conviction. If the salesman knows you are there to buy the car, and you have followed my above advice, he will fight to get your deal. This usually involves going back and forth from the manager, but everytime he goes in to the managers office you win.

    If the car is selling for $28k, offer $21k. The salesman might be upset but just tell him "I'm going to buy a car today, you get to decide if its from you or the guy across the street. See what you can do for me". If the numbers still don't look good after a bit of negotiating then you should leave, but make sure you personally give him your phone number. I would leave for about 45 minutes to an hour (depending on when they close) and then call him and put a final offer. They'll probably meet whatever price you want by then.

    Also, NEVER EVER EVER let them sell you on payments. Deal on the price of the car. Payments are the best way to SELL a car, not to BUY a car.

    Best of luck in your search, and I hope you get the best deal you can!!!

  2. Dont know whats the saleman based on most selling car. You have to bargin with saleman for the price you want to pay. Do your reseach whats the value of car you getting and whats package come with car before buying. Saleman are very tricky and dirty business try take your money.  

  3. Right now is a good time to buy. Most dealers are getting the new years models in if not now then very soon. you can get the 08 "left overs".

    Email will never do. The dealership will do anything to get you on the lot. They want you to test drive a vehicle.

    Depending on what kind of car you're getting will depend on the finacing. Most dealers do offer the best financing for new vehicles (2008 or even some 07 leftovers!)..they go through big banks who offer competitive rates. You'll also have to consider  you credit, any rebates, do you have a trade in, cosigner?

    dont ever settle on the sticker price! you can talk any deal down. they pray for people who don't haggle because they're making a pretty penny of those people!

    Dont lease a restricts your miles and you have to take very good care of the vehicle to give it back to the dealership. They might offer you leasing because it can be cheaper but its not worth it. Why pay so much for something you'll never own?!

    NEVER make a descision right away..tell lthem you'll come back the next day, that you have to discuss the figures with parents, a significant other, anyone. they'lll make you think that this deal wont last til then but it will. they have no choice if they want your business.

    DO NOT let them ask you what montly payments you can afford..they will indeed tweek #'s in their benefit to make that payment look appealing to you. You're not interested in're interested in the TOTAL COST OF THE VEHICLE WITH TAXES. If and when that number is reasonable, then the payment figure should also be a number including taxes.  They like to tell people one number and when it comes to sign papers that number increases because they didn't include taxes!

    Best of luck..any other questions feel free to ask..I've purchased and traded in many vehicles!

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