
I need info on Java monkey?

by Guest45217  |  earlier

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if anyone has reliable info or links on care of java monkeys I would greatly appreciate it. I was given you as a gift and did a little bit of study but would like more info. Thank you!





    Check this site out

    Good Luck!!!

    I would love a monkey!! Have always wanted one and wll probably get one when my boys are grown and gone

  2. I hope you aren't trying to keep a Java monkey as a pet, especially without knowing anything about them. And if this is the same Java monkey I know of, it's an endangered species, with less than 1000 left in the wild. Call the nearest zoo and ask if they want it, you and the monkey will be much better off.

  3. There are no such things are Java Monkeys they are called Java Macaques. Unless you are familiar with macaques and monkeys you are in for a very LONG very busy 40 or more years. Thats there average life span. Macaques are social monkeys and they need groups to stay sane and mentally healthy. They are very smart and can solve intricate problems. If its a male, he will develop very large and very sharp canine teeth. Able to bite you to the bone, and as much as you think this monkey will love you he WILL bite you since its there main way of communications when they are not happy. Also monkeys and macaques throw f***s when unhappy. Monkeys should NEVER be pets. These animals are med sized when larger and need a HUGE amount of time, energy, food, and attention. So if you have a acre fenced in retreat, 40 years of time and attention, children that know the dangers of monkeys, the ability to heal from scratches and bites, and not concerned for your house with the p**p. Go ahead, otherwise turn that animal in to the nearest sanctuary now and save it from being passed from house to house and the abuse and neglect its about to suffer from unknowledgeable owners. I have taken in a fostered too many of these monkeys to know what a problem they are. Especially once they are out of there cute infant stage and in the adolescent biting stage. I get them when they are mental screwed up and almost not able to be rehabilitated. Most zoo's wont take them cause they can not be introduced into a existing population. Only sanctuaries sometimes will take them and then they live a lonely existance. Otherwise they are humanely put to sleep. I would NEVER have a monkey as a pet. Not any type or any kind of primate period. its just not worth it.

    these are one of many such articles. You will find on pet monkeys, and to boot you never see many that say they are more than 10 years old. WHY? because most are given away or killed because of behavior

  4. for your health and the monkey, please give it to a sanctuary!!!  it may be cute now, but besides carrying different diseases, are there any vets in your area that are licensed to care for exotic animals?  your monkey will grow up to be a biter, may have social problems, throw f***s.....they arent as cute when they are causing problems, and when you want to get rid of it it will be too late for the poor guy.   check the links below.......the first one tells about the java monkeys, the second is real life accounts....the second site you can click around on for a while, it will tell you absolute facts and personal stories on owning a monkey.

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