
I need info on North korea?

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who is north koreas leader of government,how are they're leaders chosen and what is their length in office?




  1. Wow ---

    Kim ILL is the Beloved leader.

    It is supposed to be a socailist country--but like all socalled Socialistic countries it is really a dictatorship---and your dictator for life.

    It's poor--mostly rural--the people barely scrape by or they starve to death--unless your high up in the government--

    They do have a website--but it is propaganda--

    You can own a TV--if you can afford it but there are Government channels telling you how wonderful your leader is--same with RADIO!

    The weather is HOT in the summer--and freezing cold in the winter.--the rainy season is atrocious.  

    Google some news articles on it--go to the website.

    you'll find it to be a SOCIALIST UTOPIA!

  2. Kim Jong ill an its a communistic state of goverment, but i think Kim Jong took over from his father. He has been ruling for a long time. He will be in office till he dies.

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