
I need info on Sun conures?

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i have my eye on a baby sun conure in a shop who is so so cute!

is there anything i need to know that is importent before buying one of these cute fellows?

-how long they live

-are they really loud?

-if so, how do you make them quiet?

-do they get sick often, and if so what is the sickness called and how do you heal it?

-and if you recommend one to me ( i have had a lovebird before)




  1. Sun conures are THE most beautiful conure I've ever seen (besides the Golden, but they're not legal to be kept as pets). They are also THE loudest conure you could possibly get. They're not jet-engine loud -- but they are SHRILL. Their call will literally make your ears ring.

    Most conures will live 20 or 30 years if kept in a healthy environment and given a good diet and plenty of things to play with.

    You CANNOT make them quiet. DO NOT think you can -- putting them in a dark room or throwing a sheet over their cage because you can't stand the noise is abuse. So if you have any doubts about being noise tolerant, DON'T get a Sun. Get a green cheek.

    Even if you don't believe all the hype about the noise, and decide to get one any way -- don't get one from a shop. Find a breeder. You'll get a better bird and pay a fairer price.

  2. Sun conures are very attractive birds, and are fun too watch. They are very loud, and have a persistant annoying screech. It is possible to disourage this behaviour to some extent, but like all parrots, you have to be willing to put up with some noise. If you like conures, get a

    Green Cheeked Conure/ Maroon Bellied Conure. They are not as colouful as Sun Conures but less noisy.

    Good Luck!

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