
I need info on impulse control or frontal lobe damage.My son has rage fits and is out of control most of time.

by  |  earlier

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Looking for doctors or info that may help his doctor.Also he has epilepsy and dont really know if that has anything to do with his behavior.My son is 14 and in a hospital right now but not going very well.He has no control or copying skills.Any help is greatly appreciated.




  1. I have worked in the past with individuals with impulse control and seizures. It took 5 years and several specialists to find the right combination of medications/behavorial programming to assist her. The best bet is a mood stabilizer which can also treat seizures. Everyone is different, but for my clients Tegretol worked the best (these were adults though, not children.) Keep in mind the doctor is not looking for the usual theraputic is much higher for behaviors. 10-12 for Tegretol. Adding 1 medication at a time for at least 3 months is the way to go, otherwise you cannot tell the benefits of each medication. Next, if needed an anti-psychotic such as Risperdal...should not exceed 6 mg total per day (once again adult dosage). After that maybe Topamax or Mirapex only if needed. Once you can see an improvement with meds you can work on behavior modification techniques.  

  2. I have epilepsy too and apparently it's directly linked to bipolar disorder.  They're treating it with Lamictal, both an anti-convulsant and mood stabilizer in one.  It's been a dream come true for me. I used to be totally out of control myself.  Best of luck to you, you deserve the prayers of many.

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