
I need info on leopard gecko egg and hatchling care info

by  |  earlier

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my leo is about to have its first egg because you can see the egg in it's stomach they do look white and oval/circlish right




  1. alright. go to youtube and type in "leopard gecko incubator". you should come up with MANY videos. or just take a plastic ziploc box and put moss, vermiculite, etc.keep it moist and not wet. then when they hatch put them in their first cage (your leo will probably have 2-4 eggs because its its first time) then wait till their first shed and THEN put crickets in the cage. also have a heating pad under the incubator. and make sure when you moisten it DONT SPRAY THE EGGS! ALSO WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OUT DONT TURN THE EGGS.  

  2. Yes they do, you need to set up an incubator, find some small plastic bowls and fill them with vermeculite, and get the incubator temp stable. When the gecko lays the egg you pick it up very carefully and DO NOT TURN IT OVER!! you pick it up and then place it in a shallow pit in the vermeculite in the exact position it was laid in. You need to spray the eggs daily and keep the vermeculite moist also, NOT WET but moist!

  3. Is a male with her?  Has she been bred?

    Towards the tail, they have a white area which is normal and always present.  But if she has produced an egg, it will be a long ovoid either low on her left side, or about mid body on her right side

    (as she's standing, opposite if you look at her tummy), if it's a single egg.

    Here is a site to show you about laying and care for the egg, if it's fertile:

    You will need to provide a laying box with moist moss, or another substrate of our choice for her to lay in.  The eggs will be moist when they emerge (usually in the middle of the night), but it doesn't take long before they will stick to a surface.  So, you'll need a substrate to prevent the eggs from sticking until you can get to them.

    As soon as she lays the eggs/you find them, carefully mark the top of each egg gently with a Sharpie.  The eggs can't be rotated, or the  young will die.  Keep the mark up as you remove them from the habitat, and transfer them to the vermiculite for incubating.

    Use the link above, and it will tell you how to incubate.

    She will most likely produce 1-2 eggs every 3 wks. or so, if she was bred, up to 20 eggs in a single laying season.

    Be sure to keep calcium with D3 in her tank 24/7.  She will take calcium from the bowl as she needs it.

    I hope this has been helpful, and good luck.

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