
I need information FAST on how to help my sister's hamster's open cut!!!?

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Im babysitting my little sister and my parents are at the Astros baseball game. I live in a really small town and there is only one vet and it isn't open right now. I cant get ahold of my parents. I need to know how to help my sister's hamster's open cut at least for now so we can take it to the vet in the morning. I don't have any hamster medications and there is no where i can get them right now. Any idea's on how to protect him for now??




  1. take some hydrogen peroxide and clean out the wound with that and a clean rag.  If you can make sure to wear gloves.  If you dont' have gloves then make sure you wash your hands very good when you're done.     If you don't have hydrogen peroxide, then try iodine, or just wash with soap and water.  The hamster should be fine if it's just a cut.        If you can put something over the cut, so the hamster doesnt' put these things in his mouth.  He'll probably want to bite at it, try to keep him from doing that until ur parents get home.

  2. i would clean it with warm water and a rag.  just wrap it up. good luck

  3. Wipe it up  and bandage it up till your parents get there.

  4. apply pressure on the wound, the bleeding should stop...and then i would tie gause around whereever the wound is....

    good luck! hope its okay!

  5. Clean with alcohol or iodine and close it with crazy glue.  Wear rubber or latex  (cleaned with alcohol or iodine) gloves!

  6. clean it with like a wet rag then wrap it up to stop the bleeding - just like u do to a person!

  7. first, put some gauze on it, if you dont have that, try some toulet paper.  Wrap it very tightly, dont worry about circulation.  Next, try to keep the hapster on its back, and get it some professional help ASAP!!

  8. You can try putting antibotic ointment on it. And wrap it if possible in a soft cloth. Let your parent's know as soon as they get home. Good luck

  9. Gah, I'm sorry I can't find anything online.  You should probably try to clean it with a wet q-tip or soft rag.  Keep light pressure on it, just like a human wound.  Don't panic and keep trying to get your parents!

  10. At least wrap the cut in a cloth like a washcloth or maybe a very clean handkerchief.  Make sure you press hard enough to clot the blood but not hard enough to hurt the hamster.  Gentle firm pressure.  If you have some soap to clean the cut, that would help.  Perhaps warm water on the washcloth will help soothe the hamster and calm him because of the stress of the cut.

  11. What I would do is treat it as any ordinary cut on a person:

    clean it, stop the bleeding, and protect it with gauze or something

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