
I need information on "pyramid power" in the spiritual sense?

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I recently discovered Pyramid Power. What sort of things do we know about this?

best answer gets a bunch of points like always.




  1. Maybe it's from the person at the top of the Pyramid Scheme.

    Lots of bucks up there; down below, not so much.

    or you could wear a pyramid on your head and see if it helps you...

  2. The most important thing to remember about Pyramid Power is that it is not real.

  3. "All unhelpful answers will be reported."

    Tsk, tsk, tsk. That's against community guidelines. You see, you actually have to have a reason to report people.

    And reporting a question that reprimands you about breaking community guidelines would be a pretty stupid thing to do. It's inviting a suspension to your own account. So don't you try anything.

  4. The idea of pyramid power comes from the ancient Egyptian belief that the triangle was a form of great energy and stability.  They erected the tombs of their dead pharaohs in such as way as they believed the power generated by the pyramid would help sustain the Ka of the pharaohs in the afterlife.

    Modern science says the belief is unfounded, that there are no measurable energies within a pyramid.  But modern science also doesn't believe in many unseen things, such as ESP and other psychic phenomenon.  Who is to say it does not work?  Intention and belief are powerful things.

    One of the things you are supposed to do is sleep inside a pyramid.  This is somewhat hard to to in today's modern homes, but you could construct a pyramid around your bed by constructing a triangle and sewing mosquito netting around it and hanging it from your ceiling and over your bed.  Placing crystal pyramids under the bed and around you room is thought to increase the energy vibrational level.

  5. The early new-agers went beserk over pyramid power, but it has long since been proven a hoax. Drop the idea right now - you'll pay for your gullibility if you don't.

    Edit: Just saw the threats you added to your question, so just to let you know that I am not impressed, let me rephrase my answer: Only a fuckwit could fall for pyramid power. Block that ar-se-hole.

  6. Run for the hills, folks! Or you'll be up to your armpits in martians!

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