
I need information on raising freshwater shrimp... some questions inside.?

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I'm looking for info on raising freshwater shrimp. I am not doing this for profit, only for personal reasons. So, here are my questions:

If I'm not trying to make a profit, do I still need to use as large of a pool as most of the websites recommend? I assume that they think 'the larger the better' because the more shrimp, the more profit, right? But, I was thinking about raising them in a bathtub or a kiddie pool or something. I will definitely not get enough to sell, but will I get enough to eat? Is there some reason why they won't thrive in such a small environment?

Also, what would I feed them?

Would the water need to be filtered at all, or oxygenated? Or is still water okay?

Where is the best place to get shrimp larva?

Anything else I should know about these guys?

Anyone know of any other resources?

Is there a particular climate that is suitable for shrimp?

Is there a particular seaon to start raising them?





  1. The best freshwater Shrimp I have raised that I really like and stay alive for an extended period of time are Japanese Algea shrimp. Now I know they go by a different name so be sure. They do not just eat vegatable matter all the time, they also are scavengers but not to the extent that ghost shrimp are. Ghost shrimp are more omnivourous than Algea shrimp. Are you planning on eating them. I'd rather you raise them in a tank. That way you can easily stir up the gravel, provide them with a clean area, and would be the best as the water would not evaporate as quickly (smaller surface area) and you could provide all the proper equipment. If you were hoping for a less expensive hobby, I would recommend getting a few shrimp and getting guppies instead. It is extremely hard to breed and raise freshwater shrimp as their mortality rate is high and even the mother's eat them. They are the size of a tip of a pencil (the babies) I'm talking the lead part. Still water is not ok, the water needs to be oxygenated. You need to feed them a varied diet so that they are healthy, well balanced shrimp. You'll never find shrimp eating algea pellets day in and day out at around the same time.

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