I'm looking for info on raising freshwater shrimp. I am not doing this for profit, only for personal reasons. So, here are my questions:
If I'm not trying to make a profit, do I still need to use as large of a pool as most of the websites recommend? I assume that they think 'the larger the better' because the more shrimp, the more profit, right? But, I was thinking about raising them in a bathtub or a kiddie pool or something. I will definitely not get enough to sell, but will I get enough to eat? Is there some reason why they won't thrive in such a small environment?
Also, what would I feed them?
Would the water need to be filtered at all, or oxygenated? Or is still water okay?
Where is the best place to get shrimp larva?
Anything else I should know about these guys?
Anyone know of any other resources?
Is there a particular climate that is suitable for shrimp?
Is there a particular seaon to start raising them?