
I need instructions for the "Game of Life", SpongeBob Squarepants Edition?

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I got the game at a yard sale and it did not come with the rules/instructions and my 7yr old son and I cannot play... thank you,




  1. The rules are probably at Hasbro's web site. Go to Click "Customer Service." Click "Rules." Click "L" for "Life" or maybe "G" for "Game of Life." Scroll down to the title and click on title to download the rules.

  2. if you or a friend have the original game of life, i am sure the instructions are similar. As far as the Spongebob edition of the game goes, i prefer the original.

  3. ok ao 1st  put the  board together

    then separate the cards into 6 decks( pets, career, home, life, expense, raffle)place facedown near the gameboar

    choose one palyyer to be the banker-this personis in charge of all the money in and out of the bank, seperate the $ piles by denomination, and each player gets 5 $100's ( banker must keep they're money seperate from the banks money)

    each player chooses a pawn, then spins the spinner. the palyer spinning the highest # goes first. then continue playing in a clockwise direction.

    spin thee spinner, and move that amount of spaces on the board.if you land on an open space, draw a card and follow its dirctions.

    on your 1st turn decide whether to go to college or career, then spin as in a reegular turn.

    if you land on career chice sopcae then oick from career deck of cards

    if pet space, then pet deck of cards, and pay adoption fee

    pick a home space,  pick 2 home cards, pick one home for yourself, and pay monthly rent, then palce unpickrd home card back in pile, and continue turn.

    life space, life cards, you can earn life tiles

    green raffle spaces, raffles cards, if you want to enter the raffle pay the bank $100 , then spin the spinner, if the spinner stops on any of your numbers on your ticket, then you win, and keep the ticket, if you dont return to bottom of pile.

    red spaces, are pay days, then collect the salary indicated on you bank card.

    change jobs space, draw 2 career cards, p***a new career, and return the other card--- optional if you do not wsnt ot change jobs, you do not have to.

    if the bank runs out of life tiles players amy cash in thiers for a $100 in return.

    shady shoals rest home space-- when you reach it stop, spin the spinner, if you spin a10 earn a freee raffle card, spin again to see if you've won, if you dont spin a 10 however, end you turn.

    to see who won, after reaching shady dhoals resting home,, place career and pet cards out of play, cash your raffle cards into the bank for its dollar value. cash your home card into the bank for the amount ndicated on teh card. cash you life tiles into the bank for $100 each. the player with the highest nrt worth wins, or the litlle kid who cant count wins- so that they're happy:)

    purple spaces mean to spin again

    you can continue plaing  even without money

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