
I need italiana again!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok right down every italian word that pops into your head i want a native translator to answer me! (f.y.i. chekazzovuoi)

i also want to no how to say these words

I, no, off, an, a, and, in, is, yes, brutus,sugar, for.

also give me any word that pops in you brain! i no im a little girl but i want to learn it because every one on my dads side of the family speaks it and some how I DIDN'T INHERRIT THE WORDS!

these r the only words i no:

giovanni - john

and some other ones but i don't no if they are right

so please help me!!!




  1. i - io  /////(eeoh)

    no - no  /////(noh)

    an - un/uno/una  /////(oon/oonoh/oonah)

    a - un/uno/una  /////(oon/oonoh/oonah)

    and - e  /////(eh)

    in - in  /////(een)

    is - è  /////(EH)

    yes - sì  /////(sEE)

    brutus - brutto  /////(brootttoh)

    sugar - zucchero  /////(zookkeroh)

    for - per  /////(peir)

    i want to eat right away - voglio mangiare subito.//////volyo manjareh soobeetoh.

    don't kill my dog! - non ammazzare il mio cane!//////non ammatsareh eel meeo caneh.

    get out of my life! - esci dalla mia vita!//////eshee dalla meea veeta.

    i like cake - mi piace la torta./////mee peeacheh la torta.

    i've got a golden ticket - ho un biglietto d'oro./////oh oon beelyetto doro

    there is someone...walking behind you - c'è qualcuno...che cammina dietro te./////cheh kwalcoono...keh cammeena dyetro teh.

    those are just some words/phrases i pulled out my ***.

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