
I need legal advice?

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I have a nephew who is living in another state i gave been in contact with him here recently and have found out he has not been in school in over two years he is also 15 i know this illegal in illinois and pretty much every where his mother has kicked him out because her new husband does not like my nephew he is now living with a friend what can i legally do can i bring charges on his mother? can i legally adopt him some how or get legal guardian ship of him im confused on what to do here that'sneglect any way i look at it




  1. If you can prove negligence on the mother then you can fight for legal guardian ship at that point.

  2. Have your nephew move in with you.  A court process would cost thousands.  Do you think bringing the cops or family services in will make things better for your nephew?

  3. At this time.. the ONLY thing you can do, is to report the situation. The state has the authority to take him immediately, and get him into a safe situation.  YOU have no legal standing to "bring charges" on someone.. that is not saying it isn't deserved.  

    It is extremely bad advice to just take him into your home, without any legal rights.  Devil or not, mom still has authority then to report you for taking the child out of state, with no custody order.

    Once the state comes in, it is them against mom, and they don't have to come up with lawyers, etc. They already have them.  The critical point is that he WILL BE SAFE.  That is not to say that he won't try to run away.

    As for anything later.. yes, be in contact with dcfs, and let them know you want to provide him with a home. What you don't mention is father, or other relatives.  They may determine that he is best off staying in foster care.  

  4. Many young white males are afraid to attend school.   Not just in the big city environment but in schools with a large black population.  You say "he is also 15."   Are you 15 years old?    I think you would be doing him the best favor by letting him just stay out of school and live anyway he can survive.    

  5. Contact child protective services in Illinois immediately.  Let CPS know that you are available to help the child.

    Do not delay.  Call now.

    Everyone can deal with conservatorship or guardianship issues later.
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