
I need little activites to help keep little girls busy...?

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I am looking for cheers or chants... like little sally walker, ride that pony, and cheers that sound like this

When all started out on the foot ball field

and the couch told (name) to do her dance

she pumped it on down pumped-pumped on down.

things to keep them dancing... thank you!!!




  1. well in our studio we have this one little song called good toes naughty toes. So everyone sits in a circle with their toes pointed to the center and you point and flex your toes. We say good toes are pointed, and naughty toes are flexed, the song goes: (with the foot actions)

    Good Toes,

    Naughty Toes

    Good Toes,

    Naughty Toes,

    Good Toes,

    NaUGHTY toes

    I SEE YOU! and when you say i see you and reach down and hit your feet (a stretch in disquise)

    also you could do this while like holding a leg in the air for an older kid maybe... or with spring points. Well I don't know if that really what you meant... hope it helps though!

  2. I have found some jump rope songs. Hope this helps!


    Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack

    All dressed in black, black, black

    With silver buttons, buttons, buttons

    All down her back, back, back

    She asked her mother, mother, mother

    For fifty cents, cents, cents

    To see the elephant, elephant, elephant

    Jump the fence, fence fence

    They jumped so high, high, high  

    They touched the sky, sky, sky  

    And didn't come back, back, back  

    Till the fourth of July, July, July

    Or, add to the end the following lines:

    He jumped so high, high, high

    He touched the sky, sky, sky

    And he never came back, back, back

    Till the fourth of July, July, July!

    I had a little puppy

    His name was Tiny Tim

    I put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim

    He drank all the water, he ate a bar of soap

    The next thing you know he had a bubble in his throat.

    In came the doctor, (person jumps in)

    In came the nurse,( person jumps in)

    In came the lady with the alligator purse (person jumps in)

    Out went the doctor (person jumps out)

    Out went the nurse (person jumps out)

    Out went the lady with the alligator purse (person jumps out)

    A 'Miss Susie' variation...

    Miss Susie had a baby,  

    She named him Tiny Tim  

    She put him in the bathtub,  

    To see if he could swim  

    He drank up all the water,  

    He ate up all the soap,  

    He tried to eat the bathtub  

    But it wouldn’t go down his throat.  

    Miss Susie called the doctor,  

    Miss Susie called the nurse,  

    Miss Susie called the lady,  

    With the alligator purse  

    In came the doctor,  

    In came the nurse,  

    In came the lady,  

    With the alligator purse  

    Mumps said the doctor,  

    Measles said the nurse,  

    Hiccups said the lady  

    With the alligator purse  

    Miss Susie punched the doctor,  

    Miss Susie kicked the nurse,  

    Miss Susie thanked the lady  

    With the alligator purse

    A horse, a flea, and three blind mice,

    sat on a curbstone shooting dice.

    The horse, he slipped and fell on the flea.

    The flea said "Whoops, there's a horse on me."

    A my name is ALICE, my husband's name is AL, we live in ALABAMA and we bring back APPLES.

    B my name is BETTY, my husband's name is BEN, we live in BERMUDA and we bring back BUGS.

    C my name is CAROL, my husband's name is CARL, we live in COLORADO and we bring back CRABS.

    It just goes on like that through the alphabet.

    All in together girls

    its fine weather girls

    when is your birthday

    please jump in

    (now really fast)

    January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September,

    October, November, December

    All out together girls

    its fine weather girls

    when is your birthday

    please jump out

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, etc., etc., etc.

    "Raspberry, strawberry, apple jam tart.

    Tell me the name of your sweet heart."

    The rope turned very fast whilst the alphabet was chanted, the skipper having to name a boy, preferably in the class when she tripped, beginning with that letter.

    There were other verses all the way through the wedding, the colour of the dress, and names for the children, but I think we invented some of the very odd ones.

    Apples, peaches, pears and plums

    Tell me when your birthday comes,

    You would then skip "peppers" (or really fast skipping) and say the months of the year (Jan, Feb, Mar etc) trying to not get out until you reached the month of your birthday.

    "Blondie and Dagwood went to town,

    Blondie bought an evening gown,

    Dagwood bought the paper,

    this is what it said,

    close your eyes and

    count to ten, if you miss take an end!

    One, two, three, four, five,

    six, seven, eight, nine, ten!"

    This rhyme was for beginners who could not jump in while the rope was swinging over and over

    (Swing the rope back and forth, not over)

    Blue bells, cockle shell

    Easy ivy over

    (swing rope over head on over and continue in normal rope swing)

    (We always sang it with the following rhyme but it can beused with any)

    Oh no, here comes Miss Blackwell

    with her big black stick

    Now its time for arithmetic

    One plus one is?

    (jumper responds) Two

    Two plus two is?

    (jumper responds) Four

    Four plus four is?

    (jumper responds) Eight

    Eight plus eight is?

    (jumper responds) Sixteen

    Nows its time for spelling

    Spell cat.

    (jumper responds) C-A-T

    Spell dog.

    (jumper responds) D-O-G

    Spell hot.

    (jumper responds) H-O-T

    (when the jumper finishes spelling HOT swing the rope as fast as

    possible till they mess up.)

    Bo Bo skee watan tatan

    eh eh, say boom boom boom boom

    itty bitty watan tatan, bo bo skee watan tatan bo bo skee watan tatan boom!

    (alternative version: substitute "boys are rotten" in place of "boom boom boom boom" and "bo bo skee watan tatan" after "itty bitty watan tatan" ~~ this version is very popular with little girls!)

    Cinderella, dressed in yellow

    went upstairs to kiss a 'fella

    made a mistake

    and kissed a snake

    how many doctors

    did it take?

    [count until someone messes up]

    Cinderella, dressed in yella

    went downtown to meet a fella

    on the way her girdle busted,

    How many people were disgusted?

    10, 20, 30, 40, 50...

    Until someone misses.

    "I like coffee, I like tea, I like (name of next person in line) to come in with me." Then the two jump together, the second person saying the rhyme. When the rhyme is done, the first person runs out, and the new person comes in and jumps with the second person.

    One person would be jumping and say this:

    I like coffee, I like tea,

    I like (person's name) to jump with me.

    (That person joined the first person so that two were jumping.  Then,

    the following was said:)

    One, two, three, change places, seven, eight, nine, change places, etc.

    (until the pair missed.  The two would change from right to left each

    time they said "change places" and all would keep track of who got the

    highest number before missing.)

    Since I normally didn't jump with more than one person at once we sang it


    I like coffee

    I like tea

    I like the boys

    And the boys like me



    Maybe so



    Maybe so . . .

    whatever a person messed up on was their fortune.

    also until the yes no maybe so starts up the rope is swung low-back and

    forth across the floor instead of in a loop.

    Doctor, doctor call the doctor,

    Cindy's (name of child jumping) gonna have a new born baby.

    Wrap it up in tissue paper,

    send it down the elevator,

    Boy, girl, twins or triplets

    Boy, girl, twins or triplets

    ( repeat this until the person jumping misses on one of them and this means the person will be having a boy, girl, twins or triplets.)

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