
I need lots of tips for 8th grade!?

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such as:

what makes your life easier? {mini stapler in ur locker, having a pencil sharpener, etc.}

what should i bring on the first day?

what should i bring to decorate my locker, but also be functional?

any other useful tips appreciated!




  1. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Lucky you. You have the opportunity to make something good out of your life by studying hard and getting good grades.

    Don't worry, you'll be just fine. Keep in mind that all 8th graders are in the same situation you are in. They are also scared. Give yourself 3 or 4 days and it will be like you always were there! Good luck, hope you have a good year! You'll be fine, jeez. Calm down.Don't be. It is all the same just new learning dont worry about it at all it is the same as 7th grade to be honest exept no one messes with you since you are at the top (other than ur grade level, if they are mean)You shouldn't be scared. School is great and being in 8th grade is even better.The teachers drone on about sanitized versions of stuff to keep you dumb and ignorant while the kids viciously compete with each other to be king $h!t of t**d hill. Ignore all of it and search for what you feel is true in your own's like 7th grade, but with different teachers, maybe a few new kids, and some new stuff to learn. 8th grade is as easy as 7th grade if you actually pay attention. I haven't studied at all in both grades, and managed to get A's and B''s like the 7th grade only it's the 8th gradeI personally didn't like 8th grade very much, but there is no need to be scared of it. It's basically just like 7th.Gurl 8th grade is too much fun.

    I just left 8th grade and i am goin 2 9th grade its the best middle school year.

    At my school we had career day, 8th grade day, recognition day, 8th grade prom, jus 2 much stuff.

    You are goin 2 love it.

    On my first day of course i was nervous but i made a lot of friends.

    When me and my friends were 2gether we would mess with the 6th and 7th graders just for fun not like hurt them.

    Just don't worry about it u will get use to it in about 1 week. Just think of being in 7th going into 9th grade and i LOVED 8th grade it was sooo much fun!...but it goes by really fast so have fun and dont be scared or nervous♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

    actually th grade is so fun like you just said i will give more later

  2. I've gone the same thing as you did.

    Here's some advice you would love to have.

    You would probably need magnetic pencil holder, lots of pencils and pens (Pens are more needed than a pencil). Stapler are already in classes so you don't need to bring that to school. Pencil sharpener, I would buy a small ones. You can buy a magnetic clock so you could keep track of time of knowing how many minutes you have left before the bell rings. Let's see, you could have a locker-shelf. You can buy it in a store. Once you buy it, you can separate your 1st to 4th period binders on the top shelf and the bottom shelf can hold your 5th to 9th period binder. Buy plenty of lined papers because you'll be writing a lot in 8th grade. Oh, about the pens, I would buy erasable pens. That would make it easier. I would need a calculator for math and science classes. That's all I can say and one more thing, have fun learning during school while working hard. Good luck!!)

    P.S. If you have any questions about school, let me know. I'll answer anything for you.

  3. i personally am sharing a locker with my best friend, so we can put all books and supplies in one locker so we got locker shelves, a mirror, a dry erase board. having a mini stapler in your locker wont do anything, teachers have those. and i like pens more so i use those but i would get a mini sharpener and put it at the top shelf. and me and my friend are also putting our hoodies/jackets/gym bags/ book bag in her locker since its down stairs and we have the last period down stairs together so we just have to leave. and we have most of our classes upstairs anyways. but i guess we just got lucky like that.

  4. i will be in the 8th too. my school is 7th 8th and 9th...

    i dont need a stapler or a pencil sharpner i dont think that any room in my school doesnt have a sharpner.

    first day bring all ya got for school

    i just keep my locker normal

    just be sure that every test you get to do your best so you can be sure that your always at an A!

  5. its just like every other grade

  6. I just got a mini stapler which is very cool and helpful.

    A locker mirror and emergency cosmetic kit would be good. Small bottle of hand sanitizer may be good to minimize germs this year. Probably not allowed to have tylenol or midol.

    A dry erase board would be fun to have for reminders and notes to locker partners.

    Pics of family and friends look good in a locker.

    Magnets are fun. Go cheap lest someone lift your stuff.

    A good annual planner is a necessity.

    We need our own combo locks here.

    Back pack of course.

    Small size crates in the bottom of the locker may help with organizing storage and lightening the load.

    Store an umbrella in there.

    Crackers, and candies would be nice to have for emergency hunger bouts and sharing with friends. Extra pens to.

    Thank you cards could be a convenient item.

    Little magnetic hooks for storing jewelry or satchels of potpourri might help with any smell.

    (On that note start with lysol.)

  7. the first day of school you should have a binder notebook with looseleaf paper in it.  After you have you classes, your teachers may want you to have a specific type of notebook for their class, so then you can label your notebooks.

    Keep sharpened pencils in your binder.

    Most importantly, write down your assignments in an assignment book.  That way you will know for sure what you are to do.  Secondly, do your homework EVERY day.  Try it even if you are not certain.  Teachers like to see kids TRY CONSISTENTLY!

    I taught 8 grade for many years.  I really like kids that age.  They were so enthusiastic about learning.  They were nice, too.  Good Luck on your 8th grade year.

    You will have lots of time to decorate your locker this.  Pencil sharpener in your binder.

  8. Study

    that's about it.

  9. make ur locker cute and original. nothings going to make it easier. you wont really need any of those things. its just like any other year. no biggie

  10. pencil sharpeners are always good.

    bring just like 2 binders and notebooks w/ pencils & pens

    that way you can write down your exact supply list that you will need.

    good luck! 8th grade will be an amazing year!  

  11. its 8th grade

    who cares!

    yeah im going into 8th grade and i dont care.

  12. Supplies like pens and pencils obviously, highlighters are extremely helpful. Don't forget to get those little stickers that you put over the hole punches in your papers to make the holes last longer, they are a lifesaver if your binders rip your pages. The first day just bring pens and paper, you won't do much just get introduced to everything. Make sure your locker is organized, then afterwards focus on decorations. You want it to be functional before it is adorable, once you get your books arranged as you like, add a mirror or ribbons and photos to your liking. I suggest a mirror so you can check up time to time if you dont have enough time for a bathroom break. dont worry 8th grade is a breeze you will be fine! if you ever need more advice email


  13. obviously she does!

    and so do going into the 8th too

  14. Hey, I'm also going into the 8th grade :)

    Well pencil sharpener is always good.

    Bring a binder, pencils, notebooks, erasers, etc.

    And bring a planner to write all your homework assignments to keep organized.

    Decorate your locker with some pictures and stuff.

    And me and my friends are gonna try this, we're going to meet up in the morning on the first day of school and compare schedules to see if we have any same classes together so it'd be easier to find the classrooms and such.

    Good luck!

  15. i just finished 8th grade so hopefull i can help.

    Q:what makes your life easier?

    A:I had a mirror, and a pencil holder in my locker, plus other magnets came in handy to hold stuff that i didnt have anywhere to put.  

    Q:what should i bring on the first day?

    A: Just bring a binder with some folders and paper, pencils and pens, maybe a notebook, and the stuff for your locker.

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