
I need major help my fiancee has left me

by  |  earlier

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Me and my fiancee have been living together for nearly 5 years. We have recently been going though a very tough time. I actually left and stayed with my mother over the weekend but we decided to try and work it out. Well, this week has been really great up until today when we got into a fight. She told me she was done, and really meant it. She has left to stay with her Mom. She told me she didn't feel the same about me as she once did. Basically I'm going crazy. I know I want this to work way to bad and I can't seem to let it go. I'm 30 years old with a daughter from a previous relationship, really have no where to go right now but my mothers, and I don't want to have to do that. I am just so madly in love and don't know what to do. Please help me I'm losing it.




  1. i dont know if there is anything else you can do.  tell her how you feel and try to work it out once more.

  2. I am so sorry to hear that your relationship is not working.  I know how much it hurts when you want to hold onto the relationship and make it work and the other does not.  It takes a long time to heal but you will.  The best advice I can give is to keep yourself busy and try to not go to the places you did with her.  That will only bring up memories.  Spend some quality time with your family and your daughter.  Try exercising, walking is a great way to get some fresh air, (and away from your mothers house for a break).  Take your daughter with you and it can be a great way to get in touch with her. I know it hurts and I am sorry.  I hope you can see past this time in your life.

  3. You didn't say what you were fighting about. Why are you going thru tough times?

    The main reason people break up is because they either won't, can't, or refuse to talk about the real issues at hand. You have to ask her to sit down with you alone and talk about these tough issues. I'm sure that as long as you're both honest with each other you can reach an agreement. Honesty hurts sometimes though, so be prepared to get your head bashed in. I know from experience that the truth can hurt, but it's the best way to handle and/or get over certain problems. Be aware though, you might not want to continue this relationship if the real truth comes out.

  4. You have been deeply hurt.  There's nothing you can do to make her come back.  Five years is a long time and you will grieve in stages:  denial, anger, acceptance, moving on.  You may bounce between stages a while.  Don't worry this will pass.

    If you are having a hard time maybe you need some counseling to help you through this time and find out why this break up is so hard for you. It may be you didn't have a chance to properly grieve your previous relationship.  This is a good time to turn to friends - yes, they may say "I told you so" but who cares  if they were right.  Good Luck!

  5. believe it or not these things happens quite often. a couple that loves each other so much but doesn't know how to live peacefuly together. love doesn't teach each other how to communicate. having love but not knowing how to live with ur love ones basically means disaster was bound to happen.  

    only thing and the best thing i can suggest you to do is to seek some counselling help for both of you. first u call up counselling service and ask them how can u get ur fiancee to come with you first bc at this point she might not even want to go to counselling to give u a chance. so ask them on how should u ask her to go with you and im sure u guys can work something out that way.  understanding is a two way street.  

  6. You have to get back on your feet. The love u had is not the same anymore, she's moved on now for who knows why. Destiny has a funny way of working out... I don't know u her, or your relationship so this is the best advise i can give. If u two both love each other than go after her! If she really doesn't love you anymore than u have to get back on your feet, and make life better not only for u but for your daughter. True love can overcome ANYTHING so if u couldn't make it through one of your fights maybe your true love is out their still...DONT GIVE UP HOPE life is full of surprises.

  7. She has left you but give her some space and you never know she might come back.  People can say things they don't mean in the heat of a row.  

    I think you may be trying too hard to make this relationship work just be yourself and let things happen you are probably too clingy for your GF chill out.

    Also without info on why you have been going through a tough time and the reason your fight started i can only give you a limited answer.

    But i do believe that what is meant to happen will happen and if ur relationship is meant to be it will be.

    Also go to your mother's she may be able to offer you some advice because you sound as though you need someone to talk to.

    Hope u guys work it out.

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