
I need marriage advice from married couples. plz dnt be rude! ?

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me and my boyfriend plan on get married so we can be able to be with each other because we are from different countries. I'm really nervous because we only been together for a yr and we're only 19. Anyone get married early in a relationship at a young age and still making it through their marriage? or just advice? btw we really love each other and life has made us very mature for ours ages. so the playing around stage is all done and over with.




  1. Tell him straight up that you never want to get divorced and that whatever problems you have, you will agree to work them out. I just got married in june, and my husband and I dated for a year. I'm 22 and he's 21. We discussed everything and both agreed that neither of us ever wanted to get divorced. In addition to that, we also received pre-marital counseling (my dad's idea) from the church pastor. It was mostly talking involved, and he made us read a book (7 love signs, or something like that). I recommend an exercise he made us do. He told us to write down our expectations of each other. For example: on my husband's list, he has things like "Don't come to bed with your hair wet," and "Go bike riding with me." I put things like "Help with cleaning up messes," and "Don't leave your shoes in the middle of the floor." It put things in perspective for us and really helped us understand each other.

  2. I know you might love him and he might love you to , but my brother was 19 when he got married and it only last for 11 1/2 mths. They weren't mature enough to handle the struggles a married couple went threw. They also got bored with each other. Think it over hard OK! GOOD LUCK! I will be praying for you two.

  3. 19 is young to get married, but if you take each day and enjoy and support each other through the years you will do fine.You can't predict the future but if it was meant to be it will be.

  4. i married my husband so hed stay n the country and we only knew each other for 2 months. that was 3 yrs ago and we are still married. hes the love of my life! it can work!

  5. Personally I think by thee way you started this question that you should not get married. You say "me and my bf plan on get married so we can be able to be with each other because we are from different countries". That isn't a reason to get married. I married my first husband at a young age as well so that he would be able to stay in the U.S. and not be deported. What a mistake. Don't get me wrong we loved each other and really wanted it to work. We were together two years before we got married. The thing is as you get a little older you both change. Alot of times you don't both stay the same people that you were. You are young, this is the time of your life. Don't get married yet. 50% of all first time marriages fail. The odds aren't in your favor to begin with. If you are even begining to question wether or not you should marry him, the answer is no.

    Good luck to you, from someone who has been in your position:)

  6. I'm the mom of a daughter that chose to marry young. They were both 19 and loved each other. Tomorrow we go to court about their divorce. Neither really had a clue as to what to expect, their "happy ever after" was just a pleasant thought and they quickly became very unhappy in their relationship. they were both too young, too immature. LOVE doesn't solve practical, every day problems. Marrying just to be together is not the answer. If your love is REAL then you two can wait and grow up some more before entering into marriage.

  7. i would wait i got married at 17 and now I am having an affair i am 25 and got bored with the whole married life thing. make sure it is what you want. and for the love of god dont do it because you got knocked up or a green card.

  8. Im marrying by bf in march. by that time we would've been together for a yr and 5 months. i'll be 22 by then. i never thought i'd be getting married this early but now i can't imagine not being married to him. If you've found your guy go for it.

  9. Married at 20...divorced at 22.

    Married at 30...still married 29 years later.

    You're only 19, you're not mature. Your life is just beginning and you are delusional if you think that the playing around stage is done. What's the rush, just enjoy getting to know each other. You have a long ways to go.

  10. I think you should wait and make sure that you are right for each other, because sooner or later the culture differences are going to destroy you marriage. The same thing happened to me...we have been married for 4 years and right now our marriages is on the rocks.

  11. We're in our twentieth year. It's been a real struggle, but our faith has kept us in it. What I would really like to suggest is that you at least read books on communication (like Love & Respect)> Our marriage would have been a lot stronger if we had put the tools to use sooner, but we're figuring out. plus, we're a little more mature.  Bear in mind that you grew up in different cultures, so you'll have different perspectives when you face conflicts.  

  12. I kno I am having some personal issues rite now, but If you dont have God in dont have married at 21....slippin but holdin on for dear life....God is gonna pull us through...and he can pull u two together also....

  13. So if you two get married, who is going to move to which country?

    Do you know how much red tape and money that is going to take?

    Plus, once you two are together, you may find out you're complete strangers.

    If you grew up in different countries, then you two will be polar opposites culturally speaking.

    As romantic as it all appears from your perspective, some times love just isn't enough to conquer all the obstacles in front of you.

  14. if you want to break up then get married. no one stays married anymore cuz we all hate eachother and can't stand eachothers guts .

  15. I was married @ 17 and we celebrate are 10 year wedding anniversary in a month if you love each other keep it fun, and talk good luck!

  16. I believe you should wait a little longer, I married young, age 21, and i believe that is even to young.  I was with my husband two years before we got married but even two years doesn't teach you all you need to know about being married with someone.  Btw, is this dating an over the internet kind of dating? Like you've never met? That would also help to answer your question.  I believe if you love him and he loves you then there wont be a problem in waiting a couple more years to make sure you will be together forever.  Remember if this is the person you are gonna be with for the rest of your life there is no rush into marriage.

    Hope this helped, good luck!

  17. Been married over 30 years, different cultures and countries.


    Married at 17

    Didn't listen to my MOTHER! And now over 30 loooong years later ....

    I'm still GLAD I DIDNT LISTEN TO HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Listen to your heart while you still can!

    Patience with each other, TOLERANCE! And shut up at least half the time even if you are RIGHT! GOT IT? Separate bathrooms also help.


  18. are you living in the same town? My daughter married a Mexican man and she has been married 9 yrs....2 beautiful girls...they are in love...but he is illegal and there are alot of problems.... Go ahead and get married...are you saving money for an apratment...WHERE IS HE??

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