
I need money help!!!

by  |  earlier

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i live in an apt. and im 13 years old i need about $150-$200 but since i live in a apt. thers nothing really to do i go over my granparent house and do some chores every 2 or 3 weeks and i get about $25 but i need more! help!!!!!




  1. You could get a loan just by using your computer in your free time. Be careful, there are a lot of scams out there, but it is possible and I finally found a place that really works.

    His loan varies from personal loans, business loans, debt consolidation

    loans, auto loans etc

    If interested:

    Contact Info:

    Visit us today @ 22 broksport avenue c drive c112 Manchester UK


    hotline +447045764730

    FAX: 447005930755

  2. It doesn't matter if you live in an apartment or home or in a car. What you need to do to make money is provide products or services to those who need them. What is most important is that you stay safe from strangers so keep your parents updated on what you are doing and who you are doing it for. Your parents can help you. Let's say you want to make crafts ... you can sell them online, through gift stores, and even through your parents at their work. Maybe you would prefer to help busy families or executives with laundry and/or ironing? What about washing windows? selling pet supplies? teaching computer skills? writing a newsletter on favorite topics? selling books or toys? movies or music CDs??? Your local library will have alot of book titles that can help you start up your own business because at 13, that's the only way you can earn money. You can't work for an employer because of governmental laws but you CAN work for yourself and your parents using your time and talents. Others have done it... why not you??? Check out the Junior Achievements for networking and startup help. They are for real:
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