
I need more answers please? I think it's almost time?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 39 weeks pregnant i'm 2cm dilated, cervix soft,starting to lose mucous plug, an i've been having some contractions but they are so weird they do hurt sometimes and i can't really keep track of them because they all feel different and aren't in any pattern. they also come and go but "something" is always going on in there, like my stomach stays really hard, but it only really tightens every once in a while, also i've been having period type cramps on and off that i'm pretty sure are contractions cause my back hurts too.i'm just worried that something isn't right or i'm not gonna know when it's really time? please help have you experienced this? what do you think? is labor soon? soo worried.....




  1. i'm going through this tonight... i can't tell if the contractions are BHC or what... but i was reading my what to expect when expecting book earlier, and every thing you said sounds like false labor contractions. like when you start having the real thing, you won't even be able to talk through them.. and you defiantly wouldn't be able to get on YA! i defiantly think you will start real labor pretty soon through. why can't you time your contractions? just look at a clock when you get one.. if you get them every 5 minutes then you need to call the hospital. good luck. hope i helped.  

  2. i was with both my pregnancies and it was my contractions but i just couldnt seem to get them regulated enough to go to the hospital, so when i had been having them on and off all day, I grabbed my hubby and had s*x and sure enough about an hour later we headed for the hospital. Good Luck it sounds like you're really close

  3. Congratulations!  Try and keep track of any sort of contraction you feel, whether it hurts or not.  If they start to show any type of regular pattern - even if the pattern stops for a while or changes, gets longer, etc - you are well on your way.  Also, some of them sound very long... that's definitely a sign.  Be alert for signs of amniotic fluid leaking or gushing, too.

    I don't think you'll have to worry about knowing when it's really time LOL because things will start moving quickly and more intensely.  Give your doctor a call or better yet, call your hospital and speak to the L&D nurse.  Tell her what you are experiencing and go in if she recommends it.  She'll be able to guide you more.

    Good luck!!!!!!!!

  4. You could be starting to go into labor. You will know when you are in labor. Those contractions you are feeling now will get a lot more intense and you will be able to time them.

  5. I had something simular at the begining of labor with my daughter and I was in labor for 28hrs and had been 1-2cm dialated for almost a week. I'm sure you are going into labor but I would call your doctor and see if he wants you to get to the hospital now or not. Congratulations!! You'll be fine, my contractions really didn't hurt too much either and I gave birth all natural.  

  6. walk allot to get things moving quicker but be careful you don't wear yourself out as you need strength for labor and it will help to regulate contractions good luck hun congrats on bub  

  7. I had/have the same thing, the contractions weren't/aren't all painful, just tight, irregular and uncomfortable.

    It turned out to be basically false labor in my case, as I'm not dilated and all that, but it's worth getting checked out for.

  8. write down every contraction from start to finish lets say you had one at 1230 and it stoped a minute later so you mark it as 1230-1231. your next contraction then comes at 1240 and last two minutes long so you mark 1240-1242 now count the inbetween time. which would be 9 minutes apart for about a minute or two each see. once they are between 3 to 5 minutes apart then go to the hospital. they will get closer together and more painful but right now your body is just getting ready as in practicing.

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