
I need more muscle for my serves =\ help pls??

by  |  earlier

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well i cant really get my volleyball serves over the net .. =\ so how can i build more arm muscle - fast?

oh and im only 13 and in 8th grade so i dont really think lifting 50 lb weights is a good idea..

ok and dont tell me to take pills or use steroids - thats just stupid. i just wanna know if there are any exercises (i do push ups and bicep curls) that will help me get muscle faster. thankss =]]

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  1. float serves would be a great alternative because it requires little power, and it keeps floating past the net.  also, it moves slightly in the air, making it hard for bumpers to return it.  here's a link.

    if not, just practice throwing a ball against a wall as hard as you can; it strengthens the exact muscles u need

  2. As a volleyball player I have the same problem. As a freshman at Norcross High School I haven't even broken 100 pounds yet and have no upper body strength whatsoever. What helped me is to to take an extra step.

    What I mean by this (I am assuming you are a righty, but if not make it opposite.) is to start with your right foot instead of your left, and throw the ball a little further in front of you. That extra little step gave me the power to get my serve over! hope it helped! =]

  3. There is a way to build arm strength without using weights or anything at all! What you do is:

    1) Stand and hold your serving arm out straight in front of you

    2) Open your hand wide with all 5 fingers outstretched

    3) Turn your arm so that your thumb is pointing at the ground (the back of your hand should be facing inward)

    4) Lift your arm up so that it's held straight up in the air and then bring it down so that your arm is right at your side

    5) Continue to bring it straight up and down and do that 100 times or more a day (you should feel the burn in your arm and shoulder muscles after about 20 repetitions of this exercise)

    (Note: When you lift your arm up and down, remember to lift your arm in front of you, keep your elbow locked, and keep your arm straight.)

    I hope this exercise helps you. I know it helped me a lot with my arm strength.

  4. It is not recommended for a thirteen-year to work out in order to build up muscle. You could accidentally hurt yourself without even know what just happened, and sacrifice your whole "career".

    You simply need more practice. Serve 50 before and after your regular practice, you should be fine with your current exercise (push up, etc.).

    It is your positive attitude that counts.

  5. yes your right about steroids are stupid. what i recommend, is working your triceps. i cant really explain the workouts, id have to show you, but ask your coach, he or she can show you.

  6. take dun bells and start at 10lbs then increase as soon as you feel it get easier or join in a weight lifting club at school it really worked for me!  I ust to have your problem before but weight training really helped!!!

  7. Work your rotator - thats the shoulder that 'rotatoes' in your serving motion.

    the easier way is to get an elastic band... attach it around a pole or and use the resistance to mimic the servin motion. (or attach to a door k**b and do it from a kneeling position)

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