
I need more self confidence?

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im a teenager and i love to act but i dont really have the self confidence in myself. sometimes that i look at a movie id love to be a cast of it too but when i come to think of it i see that i cant really put myself insted of the other actors of the movie.i dont know maybe i have the talent and all but i cant really believe in myself.when i imagine about being an actor i i get happy about it but when really think about it'it makes me think that i cant do it.maybe some of the things that decreases my confidence are my looks and sound.i dont really have a good look nore sound but i'd really love to act.I dont know if theres a way to boost my self confidence in a way.





    i had the SAME EXACT problem. i was terrified of the stage.

    i decided-and was rather thrown into-trying out for our school musical-at auditions, we had to sing on stage in front of everyone...but i did it. and it sucked. i sang worse than i ever have.

    but i got in the show-i played a chorus part. which means you don't have any solos-but you dance and sing and maybe have a line. but you're pretty much an extra.

    that really helped to open me up because the next play that came up-i went on stage to audition, and i had already done five performances on stage (even though no one really paid attention to me) but i went on stage-and i sang pretty well.

    i got a lead-and from there on, i haven't been afraid of the stage.

    i could go up right now if i need to.

    if you want to be a screen actor-you should start on stage. on stage its you in the raw...and it helps a lot before you get in front of a camera-and its good to build up your experience.

    so try out for the school or community musical-it will help.

    break a leg :)

  2. You sound as though you know what you want to do in life which is half the battle, you just need to be more assertive, you can actually attend a course to acheive this and if you do well it will boost your confidence no end. Be careful what course you attend as some are just a rip off, try contacting the Citizens Advice Bureau as they can probably put you in touch with a proper body that can help, also if you cannot afford it there may be government help.

  3. I shared the self esteem hindrace up until a few months ago too, and I now earn money public speaking and can go out turning heads (without out wanting to sound like some self-help advertisement)! The best advice I had was to be patient and act oneself. As the task I was focusing on was overcoming glossophobia (fear of public speaking), I was instructed to enunciate slowly and to ignore the thing I found most cumbersome - the movement of my mouth.

    Because I was tremulous about the whole ordeal, I would subconsciously focus on the negative things until I found something I could apply it to consciously - in my mind the movement of my mouth was hyperbolic and not unlike a caricature of Mick Jagger/Stepher Tyler so I would become distracted and very, very aware of this. All it took was the realisation that though I may have been quivering like a leaf, I still had them captivated (fortunately for you, unless you are in a serious stage school, an audience will probably find your light trepidation endearing as you're a teenager).

    My point is, is to stop focusing on something negative and mentally charge yourself on the things that you do particularly well on the stage and off of it; perhaps you're an artist, writer or a effervescent young scientist - the subject is negligible, as long as you start realising what's good about yourself. Realising your other talents (and don't dare say you don't have any) will encourage you to pursue and ameliorate the other issues that you're having with yourself (in this case it is your image and sound).

    By sound, and the objective perception of someone fairly ignorant to the acting environment, I am unsure as to whether you mean singing or your accent? If it is the former you could always get a singing coach/instructor/whatever, and if it is your speaking voice try elocution lessons or reading from a novel out-loud. The variation and tone of your voice will eventually start adapting to fit the character of your material, just make sure not to be monotonous.

    Other constructive ways to boost your confidence up to the level that is deserves are to:

    Make notes of all of your achievements

    Relax yourself when you look into the mirror

    Ask for the opinions of your good friends and certainly one of your teachers. The embarrassment that you will inevitably be encompassed by as you ask and jump out of your comfort zone them will be worth it. Being able to grasp part of the reigns in situations of embarassment and awkwardness will start to build you up a bit.

    I'll attach a couple of links that include other fantastic ways to increase self esteem:

  4. dear "teenager"...... a movie is "a movie". Is not real, is there becouse somebody earns money with it, not becouse of you! You are the most important actor of the world, and now you are play in the most beautiful film in the world.... it's call "my life"..... whay don't you try to immagine, how Spelberg should put on the big - screen your life? try to write each day what are you doing as your own film- director..............look deep inside you and find the words that are abble to colore your soul experiences.......... and when you're tied, run as far as possible................ and smille! your life it's important ! !!!!!!!

  5. I think self confidence is a lack of fear. Try reading some self help books on fear and how to overcome it.

    You cold also try reading "You can't afford the luxury of a negative thought" It's a great self help book.

    and remember whatever you do, some people will like you and some people wont, That's life.

  6. Not that it'd help much, but... Have you ever, like, TRIED acting? If not, then do it, because otherwise you'll spend the rest of your life wondering "what if". Look for castings in your neighborhood, it won't hurt to try! And about boosting your self-confidence - well, there are many different ways (because people are different too). Can't give you the ultimate solution, because there isn't any. :) Anyways, good luck with it! :)

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