
I need my paystub, i'm about to turn them in, what should i do?

by Guest31911  |  earlier

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I'm 18 and no longer work at lowe's, see the way they have their pay system set up is to where you see your paycheck/paystub online, well since i don't work there anymore i can't see it online because they deleted my account there, and i call and even seen them in person and all they are doing is giving me a run around, i actually needed my paystub on the 19th but they didn't give it to me, i need it for my health insureance,so my health insureance said i have 'till the 25 to get it, if i don't have my paystub then i can't get the health insureance, so what i'm about to do is either turn them in or keep bugging them 'till i do get it, what do you think i should do?




  1. If you were on a group Health plan your employer is required to provide you with a certificate of credible coverage.

    This is straight from the DOL website.

    Group health plans and health insurance issuers are required to furnish a certificate of coverage to an individual to provide documentation of the individuals prior creditable coverage.  

    A certificate of creditable coverage:

    Must be provided automatically by the plan or issuer when an individual either loses coverage under the plan or becomes entitled to elect COBRA continuation coverage and when an individuals COBRA continuation coverage ceases

    Must also be provided, if requested, before the individual loses coverage or within 24 months of losing coverage

    If you are looking for the certificate I would call the insurance company directly they can send you the certificate.


    Here is a link that might help, contact the wage and labor bureau.

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