
I need my room back! What do I tell my parents?

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OK, well, it's a long story so I shortened it. Anyway:

My aunt and her family (my uncle and three cousins: 2 girls and 1 boy) all decided to move to where I live. At first it was only my aunt and my cousin (the boy; the girls are still studying in Uni) and then my uncle came along too because he found a job. We have three rooms in our house, one was the guest room, one my room and one my parents. I gave up my room for my male cousin (my cousin is very religious and therefore "can't" sleep with his mother; however there is a single bed in the guest room) and I sleep in my mother's room with my mother. My aunt and uncle are in the guest room. My father? He sleeps on the FLOOR in the living room.

My male cousin is 20, and he sleeps on a bed, using the softest mattress in the house, while my father, who is a lot older, sleeps on the floor. I think that's wrong.

Anyway, they moved in with us at the end of Summer ' 07. It's almost the end of Summer ' 08. And I still don't have a room. i know that they are looking for a house but I also know, for a fact, that my uncle is not looking hard enough. He has never tried to make any effort, for he's always been lazy, my father tells me. Anyway, I truly need my room back because I'm a young GIRL. I'm going to be thirteen, and I need a room and I need a bit of privacy. Even if my male cousin moves out, I'll still be uncomfortable with my uncle; he's always annoying me by tickling me nonstop and makes fun of me whenever I get dressed up to meet one of my friends.

I've told my parents that I need a room; it was after about eight months that I realized that I need my room. BADLY. It's been almost three more months! I cannot bear it anymore; I know that I've already waited enough because I 'couldn't bear it' before but now the limit has been cross.

What do I tell my parents?




  1. your uncle is playing your family for fools

    for this to be resolved you dad must collect rent from them in a amount that will encourage them to move out

    as for you male cousin I see no reason for him receiving special treatment over your father and I see no reason that you can't privately talk to your parents about this  

  2. First you need to tell uncle, that while you love him, you'd love him alot more if  he would keep his hands to himself. Then while your at it, explain to him that while he may not mean to hurt your feelings when he teases you about dressing up to meet your friends, that his words do hurt.

    That should straighten him out.

    Now, as for your room problem, talk to mom and dad again. Tell them that your becoming a young woman, and you can't keep going on as you are now with no privacy for all the extras living there. Ask them to please give them all a deadline to be out so that you, mom and dad can all get back to a NORMAL life. If mom and dad don't speak up, these people will never leave. They seem content in taking over, and ruling your mom and dads house. This male cousin of yours needs his mommy to explain to him that he's a guest, and therefore NOT entitled to be making any member of your family to sleep on the floor.

    Your parents were nice to let them stay there if they had no other choices, but it's been a year, and if these people aren't back on their feet by now, then they never will be. Ask your parents if they're really happy with how things are now? If they say no.. then ask them to please make the changes needed for all of you to have the peace, quiet, and room all of you deserve.  

  3. sounds like a crappy situation i think you need to tell them exaclty what you just told the rest of the world.


  4. You need to ask your parents to give the family members a timeframe to move out of your house.  You are a growing boy who needs privacy and you sharing a bed with your mother can be misconstrued by some as sexual abuse.

    Your father needs to become a man and stand up to these people.  He needs to let them know of new sleeping arrangements.  He will sleep in bed with his wife, you will retain your old room (ALONE) and the rest of them can fight over the guest room and the floor where he was.  They have 30 days to find a place of their own to live and then it's goodbye-ville.  If they haven't found a place by then, so be it.  

    Why would they want to leave the palace they have overtaken?  If I were being treated like royalty I sure wouldn't want to leave, either.

    Good luck but your parents need to stand up to this!

  5. Don't worry, i was in the same situation. Except it was a little different. My 29 year old cousin came to live with us, and straight away my parents gave him my room, for a whole year i had to sleep on the floor in my parents bedroom. No matter how much i complained and fought with my parents because i wanted my room back, all they seemed to say was "Oh don't worry, its only for another few months". A year later he was still here. Anyways, finally, he has moved out. Your parents might be a little more understanding than mine, just tell them how much you need your room back.


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