
I need new Bike Pedals for my Schwinn Highplains. i need to know the size of the bike pedals.?

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i have a red Schwinn Highplains bike. One of my pedals is starting to break and i need the size of the pedals so i can replace them. i have no clue what the date of my bike is. all i know is that it has a red frame, and on it (written in gold/yellow) are the words "highplains" on the top bar of the frame, and "cshwinn" on the bottom bar of the frame. Please help me out here. i had this bike for 5 or more year, and i really dont want to haveto trash/sell it. Owned it since was 9.




  1. Eric,

    No reason to sell or trash the bike just because of a pedal issue.  The pedals are measured by the bolt diameter, just as another person said.  There are two common sizes: 1/2 inch and 9/16th inches.  Yours is 9/16th.

    Here are a few tips to help you out (if you're going to replace the pedals yourself).

    Remember that the LEFT pedal has what is called a "reverse thread."  This means you crank the wrench toward the back of the bike to take BOTH of the pedals off.  And, you guessed it, you crank the wrench toward the front of the bike to replace both of the pedals.

    When putting your new pedals on, make sure you have the correct pedal on the correct side.  Most pedals are marked "R" on the right pedal.  If your new ones are not marked, line the threads up to the crank and spin then toward the FRONT of the bike.  If the thread spiral matches the thread pattern on the're got the right one.

    Make sure to apply some heavy grease on the threads of the spindle before you install the pedal.  This makes the pedal easier to remove in the future.

    If you're more of a visual learner, here's a link to a helpful video by a guy who explains things better than me:

  2. I think pedals are sized by the diameter of the bolt that screws onto your crank. Take it off and bring it to your LBS and they will give  (sell) you the right replacement.

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