
I need one more practicing teacher to answer these questions.. a questionaire on inclusive classrooms.?

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I need this by tomorrow if anyone can help. Please help if you are a PRACTICING TEACHER. Thanks soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!! (This is for a college course on inclusion.)

Question 1. Please describe the process you use to develop your lesson plans.

Question 2. Please describe the process you use to assess student learning.

Question 3A How do you establish a successful dialogue about teaching and learning with the parents and guardians of the students enrolled in your class?

Question 3B. How do you establish a successful dialogue about teaching and learning with the students enrolled in your class?

Question 4. What advice would you give a teacher candidate who will be teaching in an Inclusive classroom next year?

If you don't mind is there anyone who'd be willing to leave a first name and the state you are from. Only if you don't mind.




  1. 1.  I begin with the objective, and create lessons I feel best teach what the students should know.

    2.  I start with the objective and find the best way to assess the students knowledge.  Mostly I'll let them choose the best way they feel they can prove to me the know the information.  (Maybe a written test, or an essay, or a ppt presentation.)  

    3a.  I give them information about me so they feel comfortable.  I always discuss the positive things about their child.  And...I always call the within the first few days of school to establish a repore.

    3b  I feel that as long as you treat students with respect, students will respect you, and everything will fall in place.  With dialogue, it helps to have certain points ahead of time you wish to discss.  Share your point of view and then have the students share theirs.

    4.  Be patient.  Be open to new ideas, and always be willing to learn from your peers.  

    Jodi, Georgie

  2. 1.  I first use my standards-district and state-to drive my instruction.  I take into account the proper sequencing of skills and previous assessments.  So for example...If this week, our objective is multiplication of two digit by one digit, I have preassessed my students and grouped them accordingly.  I also look at multiple intelligences to design my lessons.  Each skill each year is uniquely designed due to the differences in my fifth graders.  This year I had an abundance of children who learned through music.   I plan weekly due to differences in students.  I usually evaluate and assess daily.  I do have a yearly plan based on standards and objectives and try to stay very close to that plan.  I evaluate using a daily dozen and reteach as necessary.  

    2.  I start by using previous year's teachers' recommendations, standardized test scores, and my own preassessments.  I teach my lesson and do many formative assessments such as yes/no cards, white board answers, written assignments, small group instruction, and basic "walk around the room" monitoring.  After each unit, I assess formally by test or culminating activity or project.  For larger projects, I use teacher designed rubrics.  We also have 3 time standardized achievement test practice assessments.

    3A.  At the beginning of the year, I hold a conference with parents to get to know them.  I send weekly newsletters and behavior reports with comment sections.  I also call my parents monthly to touch base and let them voice any praises or concerns.  We have two required yearly conferences with parents.  I do not release report cards until I meet with parents for those two conference times. We also have email, so parents frequently email me.  My expectations are clearly communicated at my room meeting and on my website.  I plan to film my parent meeting at the beginning new school year that explains my rules and procedures and post it on my website.  Assessment wise, I send my weekly graded paper folder home with papers.  All major tests are signed and returned.  

    3B. I truly love my job.  I believe all students make valuable contribution to our classroom.  We  begin the year with a clear set of basic rules, procedures, and expectations starting on the FIRST day.  My children are involved in all aspects of the learning process with student interest surveys periodically.  My children also create and meet to talk about rules and procedures. Our theme is to dream big.  All focus is on teamwork and community. The expectation is to treat each other the way we wish to be treated academically and socially.  We work TOGETHER!

    4.  I have an OUTSTANDING Principal.  She inspires me to work hard and challenge my teaching skills.  Look for someone to inspire you.  Ask LOTS of questions and request a mentor.  Look carefully for teachers who seem to be willing to share and "pick their brain".  Read, read, read.  One great Principal told me "There is no substitute for experience."  I agree. Be willing and open to learn from others.  

    Hope this is what you want.  Good luck!



  3. 1)With me, I would come up with a concept and I would then come up with Topic and from the topics I would come up with assessments. I use the backwards model from Brophy which is the R.A.P. which stands for the Results, Assessment, and Planning and it's divided in 3 Stages. In the Results which is Stage 1, I want the end goal or the desired results , which has an established goal, what is it that I want my students to understand and the essential questions (big ideas) that I want then to get. Also what it is the student will know, and what the student will be able to do. In Stage 2, is Assesment Evidence and these are the performance tasks that I would like them to do and demonstrate and also quizzes and tests that relate to the Big Ideas of your unit along with prompts. In Stage 3, this is where I plan my assessments leading to the big goal of Stage 1. What I do is I make connections leading to the big goal of my unit. My unit goal for example is you are a scientist...and I lessons plans that will lead up to the big goal in my unit.

    2)I assess them using different tasks such as tests, projects, homework, oral presentation, self-assesment, diagnostic, formative, and informal assessments, anticipatory sets, hand signals, analogy,one minute essays, and misconception checks, and quizzes. Also, I use the 6 facets of understanding:Explanation,Intrepretation... Perspective, Self-Knowledge, Empathy, and Application along with the Topic that is being covered.

    3A- I tell them my expectations for the class and I hand them an outline of what the students will demonstrate in my class and establish good communication with them by giving them updates via e-mail and the phone and also my expectations in the class on the level of academic and social level. Their concerns are very important to me,

    3B-I implement the rules the first day of class and I tell them my expectations and I put it on the students shoulders and I also tell my students that communication and demonstration of the tasks will give them a better understanding of the subject and I do it on a level where the climate is comfortable and I tell them that respect is a huge factor in the teaching and learning. I also have them come up with rules in the class and what their expectations of my class is and what do they want to learn also and what is the desired result and what are they going to demonstrate in order to get to the task.

    4)My advice is enjoy it, be passionate about the subject, get to know your students, respect your students, engage your students, and make the learning process  fun and meaningful . Don't be scared to ask questions from established teachers and definitely get to know the staff and support the school and the students.

    And also I use state and national standards and GLE'S and peformance level tasks.

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